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Since the inauguration, Dr. Ari Kohen has been publishing detailed, daily reports summarizing all the hijinx of the Trump White House.
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Week 5, Friday

The White House blocked CNN, the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, Politico, and BuzzFeed from attending a press gaggle with Press Secretary Sean Spicer. Conservative media outlets Fox News, Breitbart News, The Washington Times, and One America News Network were invited to attend along with NBC…

Week 5, Wednesday

President Trump is set as early as today to issue new guidelines to reverse an order from the Obama administration allowing students to use the restroom of their gender identity. The guidelines will rescind anti-discrimination protections for transgender students in a move favored by Attorney…

Week 5, Tuesday

President Trump finally spoke out about anti-Semitic incidents that have taken place around the country since his election, including four rounds of bomb threats to Jewish Community Centers and extensive vandalism at a St. Louis Jewish cemetery over the weekend. Reading carefully from a prepared…

Week 4, Thursday

President Trump held his first solo press conference today, first to introduce his new Secretary of Labor nominee, Alexander…