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TrueFi is DeFi’s largest credit protocol for real-world and crypto-native lending. To date, TrueFi has originated +$1.7b loans, received +$1.5b in repayments, and maintains an industry-leading underwriting record.
Note from the editor

TrustToken is building the blockchain protocol for global lending. TrueFi lets portfolio managers launch uncollateralized lending opportunities on-chain to a global base of lenders and borrowers. Since November 2020, $1.3B of loans have been originated with $1B of repayments with no defaults using TrueFi.

Go to the profile of TrueFi
Building TrueFi, the world’s largest credit protocol | $1.7B originated, industry leading underwriting record | Visit truefi.io to lend or launch your portfolio
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Go to the profile of TrueFi
Building TrueFi, the world’s largest credit protocol | $1.7B originated, industry leading underwriting record | Visit truefi.io to lend or launch your portfolio
Go to the profile of Rafael Cosman