Go to Truth In Between
Truth In Between
Navigating the messy middle between the truths of a chaotic and beautiful world, together.
Note from the editor

I have challenged myself and my 14 year old son, to read an article a day from both a “progressive” and a “conservative” view. Our goal is to learn how to navigate the messy middle with compassion, and to communicate the truth we find in between.

Go to the profile of J.D. Richmond
J.D. Richmond
Founder of the Truth in Between Publication and Hold my Drink Podcast host. Searching for context in a chaotic world through correspondence and conversation.
Go to the profile of Andrew - Aspiring Thinkers
Andrew - Aspiring Thinkers
The Aspiring Thinker is creating content promoting critical thinking, persuasion, and analysis of current events.
Go to the profile of Seidr
Seeking signal in noise. Open source, scalable, anti-fragile. Sovereignty of self and community. Decentralised network intelligence.
Go to the profile of J.D. Richmond
J.D. Richmond
Founder of the Truth in Between Publication and Hold my Drink Podcast host. Searching for context in a chaotic world through correspondence and conversation.
Go to the profile of Steve Sudome
Steve Sudome
I share myself — but mostly with strangers. It’s safer that way.
Go to the profile of Steve Terry
Steve Terry
Humbled, ashamed, and convicted by self-examination of my own need for change…
Go to the profile of Joseph Parrish
Joseph Parrish
I no longer write for Medium.
Go to the profile of Susan Lee Schwartz
Go to the profile of K.R.Worthen
Writer, Professor, and Language Addict
Go to the profile of Howard Johnson
Howard Johnson
Pragmatist, Ed Psychologist, Win the future of Ed
Go to the profile of Brad Burt
Brad Burt
If all goes as planned, my work should say more about me than a bio ever could. Contact: bsquared776@gmail.com Follow me on Twitter: twitter.com/BeeSquared76
Go to the profile of Pam Cossaboon
Go to the profile of Amanda Richmond
Go to the profile of Jim Richmond
Go to the profile of Alexander K.
Alexander K.
Trying to get the hang of writing. Sometimes, I look to history to understand the present.
Go to the profile of Allen Hilton
Go to the profile of Jenny Ian Asencio
Jenny Ian Asencio
Card-carrying nerd, rational feminist, spiritual observer, ally of free thinking and objectivity, Harvard student, power metal is life!
Go to the profile of Thomas Eastmond
Go to the profile of Mike Yates
Mike Yates
I am an educator who knows the system is rotten. I am an entrepreneur trying to solve education’s problems. I am a poet who writes to breathe.
Go to the profile of Hold My Drink Podcast
Hold My Drink Podcast
A Progressive and a Conservative walk into a bar and…