TTC & ACN Holder’s Guidebook — How to Earn ACN in ‘tata’

Read this A-to-Z guide to learn about Heat, Reputation, ACN rewards, and more

Maro — Official Blog
7 min readAug 6, 2019


On August 8th, 2019, tata, a lifestyle sharing social network with 17M registered users, will launch its open beta test (OBT) version with Acorn Protocol fully integrated. Anyone can receive $ACN tokens for their contribution to the tata community on a daily basis.

Disclaimer: During the OBT period, the total ACN rewards will be limited to a smaller portion. The full rewards will begin to be distributed with the official launch.

In this article, we will walk you through on what you need for the prep, how you earn ACN in tata, and when you receive your rewards.

Getting Started

Your daily ACN rewards will be sent to your TTC Connect, the official mobile wallet app by TTC. Hence, the first thing you need to do is to download tata and TTC Connect, create an account for each, and “connect” two accounts.

If you are having any trouble along the way, please contact us via Telegram.

1. Creating an account in tata

Download tata: Google Play Store|Apple App Store

  1. Touch “Enter tata
  2. Enter your phone number with the country code and touch “Next” (You may need to pass a reCAPTCHA to prove that you are not a bot 🤖)
  3. Input the verification code sent via text

2. (Optional) Creating a wallet in TTC Connect

⛔️ If you already have a TTC Connect wallet, please skip to 3. Connecting tata & TTC Connect.

Download TTC Connect: Google Play Store|Apple App Store

Run TTC Connect and follow the below steps. Please be cautious and take note of the warnings.

  1. Touch “Create Wallet”
  2. Set up a passcode which you will use to authorize transactions
  3. Write down all your mnemonics words in order and keep them someplace safe where you can only access
    ⚠️Do NOT take a screenshot of your mnemonic words
    ⚠️Your asset will NOT be recoverable if you lose your mnemonic words. Please write them down in order and keep it safe
  4. Match the mnemonics words based on the words you have written down

Now that you have created a TTC Connect account, link it with tata and start collecting your ACN rewards.

3. Connecting tata & TTC Connect

  1. Touch “My Page” (the 5th tab at the bottom)
  2. Touch “My ACN”
  3. Touch “Earn ACN Now”
    You must have TTC Connect installed on your mobile. If you have never done the KYC process, refer to this article on how-to.
  4. Touch “Connect”

That’s it! Your TTC Connect and tata account are connected and everything is properly set up. Now let us take a look at the fun part: How to earn (more) ACN rewards.

How to Earn ACN in tata

The Acorn Rewards Engine calculates your contribution to the tata community and distributes ACN rewards on a daily basis. There are countless ways to contribute, but we mainly identify these three key roles.

  1. Creator: Users who create posts — videos or photos — are in the spotlight as they share what is happening in their lives with the community. Great content speaks louder than a thousand words and adds real value to the community and the platform.
  2. Curator: Users who promote great content and initiate great conversations are key. These users are very proactive in expressing their gratitude and appreciation by giving likes to posts they enjoy. Also, they spark healthy debate and generate interesting conversational topics through thoughtful comments.
  3. Police: Users who maintain the tata community healthy and sound. These users report the bad contents and/or behaviors that could harm the platform in both short and long terms. These users also participate in the auditing of the reported cases to help the community decide.

Any user can contribute as one or all three roles. Your contribution will help tata grow healthier and faster, and in return, you will be rewarded with ACN.

Understanding the logic

The Acorn Rewards Engine uses two parameters to calculate each user’s daily contribution: Heat & Reputation.

  • Heat: Heat is what represents the popularity of your posts. The more popular (hotter) your post is the more value (Heat) it will gain. Each post has its own Heat and is visible next to the post’s likes.
  • Reputation: Reputation represents how popular, active and engaging you are on tata. The more you contribute to the platform the higher your Reputation will be. Your Reputation can be checked on “My Page” and your posts, next to your profile photo.

In short, if you post posts that gain high Heats and you increase your Reputation by being active every day, you will receive more ACN rewards daily.

How the Heat of your post is calculated

For a post to gather Heat, it should attract attention from other users. There are three ways for your post to increase in Heat.

  • More Likes: Post what you, your followers, and newcomers would like from your everyday life. Appeal to others with your exciting lifestyle and make them irresistible to push that like button.
  • More Comments: You know that some posts are just worth commenting on. Be that interesting person. Make people curious about you, break out a provocative conversation with your followers, and turn new encounters into friendship all thru an interesting post.
  • More Shares: Post something exclusive enough that others would want to share it with their friends. Post something funny, amazing, or just worth seeing. Once you post something interesting others will crank the Heat up for you.

It is important to post many posts to share your life to the fullest with others, but it is equally important to have those posts reach high Heat. So, don’t forget, quality over quantity.

Increasing your Reputation

To increase your Reputation you have to be engaged, become popular among others, and contribute to the platform. These are the five actions that will increase your Reputation.

  • Login Frequently: Login daily and use tata as much as you can. Your loyalty to the platform will increase your Reputation.
  • Post great posts: Post interesting posts and increase their Heats. The more you offer others by sharing your life and thoughts, the faster your Reputation will increase.
  • Gain new followers: Share your everyday life with others and interact with the world. Show the things you love and the places you like. Interact with those who share their thoughts with you. Be active and gain followers. Your Reputation will increase the more followers you have.
  • Report posts: You can contribute to the platform by policing bad posts. Report posts that are not fit to stay in tata and you will be rewarded with a Reputation increase. (Note: Your Reputation will decrease if your report is declined, so restrain from abusing reports.)
  • Audit posts: When others report a post, you can audit and decide if the post is truly bad for the platform or not. If you audit a post that everyone thinks is bad, your Reputation will increase. (Note: If your audit is against the common decision, your auditing rights may be suspended.)

Be yourself, love the network, share what you do and think, and contribute to making tata more enjoyable for others, then your Reputation will naturally increase.

When do you receive your rewards?

ACN rewards are calculated and distributed daily at 00:00 GMT, following the below distinctions:

  • Post Rewards: Post Rewards (calculated by Heat) for today’s posts will be calculated and rewarded the day after tomorrow at 00:00 GMT.
  • Reputation Rewards: Reputation Rewards are provided every day based on the Reputation recognized at 00:00 GMT.

For example, let us take a look at Scarlett’s life to see how she uses tata and when she gets her ACN rewards for her activities.

Scarlett, a 24 year old singer, loves sharing life’s moments and interacting with people on tata every day. She has about 12,000 followers and her Reputation is 80.

August 3rd (Saturday)

12:00 GMT: At a brunch with her friends, she posts a photo of her (incredibly yummy looking) Eggs Benedict on tata. Her Reputation is still 80 at the end of the day.

August 4th (Sunday)

00:00 GMT: she receives her ACN Reputation Rewards in her TTC Connect for her Reputation (80).

02:00 GMT: She sings at a hip jazz bar. Luckily, her friend takes amazing photos of her. She posts her favorite photo of her singing after the show is done. People love this photo and her Reputation increases to 81.

August 5th (Monday)

00:00 GMT: She receives the Reputation Rewards for her Reputation (81), she also receives the Post Reward for her Eggs Benedict photo.

August 6th (Tuesday)

00:00 GMT: (If her Reputation did not increase on Monday) She receives the Reputation Rewards for her Reputation (81) and the Post Reward for her pictures of her singing at the jazz bar.

The vitalization and improvements of tata and Acorn Protocol are all driven by the community — you. Help us improve the product by proactively engaging with others on tata during OBT. Your voice and opinion matters.

If you have any further questions, please contact us through our Telegram group or email.

Thank you,

TTC Foundation

About Acorn Protocol

Acorn Protocol is a blockchain protocol for social networks to seamlessly implement a rewarding system for its user participation. We work to disrupt the unjust value distribution of centralized social networks. For details, visit our website.To receive the latest news on TTC, join our Telegram and follow us on twitter.

About TTC

TTC is a blockchain fit for mass adoption and a sustainable token economy model. For details, visit our website.To receive the latest news on TTC, join our Telegram and follow us on twitter.



Maro — Official Blog

Connect and cooperate to create value and opportunities to build a prosperous world