DECENT($DCT) joins to build

Why and how we are building a token-incentivized collaboration community for developers

Maro — Official Blog
2 min readJul 13, 2018

-- is a token-incentivized collaboration community for developers, where the reward for contribution is distributed with transparency and clear logic. It is an open source project launched by TTC Protocol with a core philosophy as following:

We believe in the power of collective intelligence, that when more people are working for a same goal, it can generate a bigger and better impact for the world.

In past months, we have been searching for a partner who shares the same vision and philosophy and who is willing to commit to turn this idea into reality. Today, we are excited to announce that DECENT($DCT), a leading blockchain ecosystem builder based in Geneva, joins in as a partner. DECENT provides all of the tools and technologies needed for projects and businesses to build decentralized applications for real-world use cases.

Transforming Open Source Community with Blockchain

The blockchain tech scene is formed around and developed upon the Open Source mentality. Many (if not most) of blockchain projects share their code to the public, encouraging the community to take part. Such openness has a remarkable advantage over a private development process. The community can instantly learn from each other and find solutions more efficiently using a collective intelligence. Most importantly, a project’s potential is not limited by a small group of brains.

In theory, this technology train should run on its own, fueled by the community and its active participations. However, as every coin has two sides, there is a dark side to Open Source. The most famous and well known one is probably Pareto Syndrome — 20% of the participants do 80% of the work (hence, also known as 20/80 syndrome). In reality, it could get as bad as 5/95.

Both TTC Protocol and DECENT believe that using a blockchain technology, by redistributing the value of a project with more transparency, will enable the ability to tackle such a problem and create a healthier Open Source community. With DECENT’s development know-hows and resources with TTC’s TReE (TTC Reward Engine) technology, we aim to build the world’s first contribution-based incentivizing source code management platform. is an open source project, hence we welcome more developers and projects to join in. If you are interested, please send an email to

We will continuously share the updates and progress to the community.

— Team TTC

About TTC Protocol

TTC Protocol is one of the largest social network ecosystems on blockchain, with over 22m users. TTC Protocol provides a simple-to-integrate and fully-customizable blockchain-based SDK for existing community, which acknowledges users’ contribution to the community and reward them.

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Maro — Official Blog

Connect and cooperate to create value and opportunities to build a prosperous world