More features have landed on the platform

Published in
2 min readJul 6, 2020

It’s been a busy couple of weeks at Tumelo. As always we’ve been listening to your feedback in order to improve the platform — we hope you love what we’ve built!

If you have any feedback, we’re all ears!

Another week, another set of exciting features.

Making the voting pages easier to understand

After a bit of confusion, we’ve overhauled how we present votes to you. The new layout is:

Open votes

  • Available votes: A place where you can easily see the votes you haven’t yet cast a vote on.
  • Votes placed: A place where you can easily see the votes you have voted on but are still open to other users.

Vote results

  • All Votes: Any vote that is closed for voting and has or is waiting for the AGM result.
  • Votes placed: Any vote that you have voted on, is closed for voting and has or is waiting for the AGM result.

We hope this makes it a lot easier to find what you are looking for and to share the votes you are passionate about to a larger audience!

Any feedback?

Creating a community

After some behind the scenes work last week, we now show the number of votes the community has cast in real-time. This combined with the new vote layout makes it much easier to share your votes.

The more votes, the more impact you can have as a community. Going forwards, we’ll be leaning into this theme of community building features that allow your community to grow and have more impact.

Any feedback?

Mobile improvements

A lot of you are starting to use the platform on your mobile phones. We’ll be the first to hold our hands up here and say that the experience could be better! We’ve started to make some improvements that will make the experience a lot smoother with a lot more to come.

Any feedback?

Improvements to your portfolio chart

It’s now a lot smoother to interact with your portfolio chart and get a much better understanding of what you are actually investing in.

Any feedback?

Allowing you to provide feedback on how we write a vote

You spoke and we listened. You can now tell us if you don’t think we’ve done a good job of writing up one of the votes. We welcome any feedback you have, we need it in order to improve!

Any feedback?

We hope you enjoy this new release! See you in a couple of weeks!

Not already using Tumelo? Sign up to our waiting list and we could be talking to your pension or investment provider next.



Editor for

Co-founder at Tumelo. Cambridge alumni. Fintech enthusiast.