TinyML — How To Build Intelligent IoT Devices with Tensorflow Lite

Intelligent IoT devices are all around us. In this article, we will see how you can combine machine learning and embedded systems to build intelligent IoT devices.

Manish Shivanandhan


If you are new to machine learning, it is a technique of using algorithms to analyze massive amounts of data to draw conclusions. Deep learning is a branch of machine learning that uses an algorithm called neural networks.

When you combine large data sets with high computing power, these neural networks can understand patterns between data.

Deep learning has given rise to self-driving cars, personal assistants like Siri, and many others. Engineers are adopting deep learning models into their applications to solve complex problems for their customers.

Tensorflow is a leading Deep learning library developed by Google. It supports a variety of neural network models like Convolutional and Recurrent Neural Networks.

I recently wrote an article on Machine learning called “Machine Learning For Managers — What You Need To Know”. It should give you all the basics you need.

Embedded Systems



Manish Shivanandhan

Engineer / Product Manager. Writes about Artificial Intelligence, Cybersecurity and Product Management. More at manishmshiva.com