Tutellus update — March 2018

Nacho Hontoria
Published in
2 min readApr 3, 2018

Business trips, Meetups, agreements and much more. We didn’t stop in March and here you can read a summarize of all our activity.

1.- Tutellus Road Show continues

This month We have been in London (Blockchain Investor Show), Brussels (with NEM Foundation), Madrid, where we presented our Ambassadors Program to the community, Valencia and finally in Paris with the people of StartupToken and more than 60 people in the event.

New Tutellus’ logo

2.- Videos and interviews

Here you can watch these interviews with Adam Jason from Coinsilium

With Sébastien Rouxel-An from StartupToken

Review about Tutellus.io from Crypto0Coins

3.- Agreements

  • Important agreement with Indorse. You can read all the info here.
  • Strategic agreement with Cryptonomos Team, where We’re gonna do the presale and the ICO.
  • Another important partnership with Avoltapartners.com. They are helping us with the token sale.
  • And also with Donnelley, which is helping us translating the website and documentation to russian, chinese, korean… for the next road show in Asia.

4.- Product

We’re working right now with the new beta product of NEM, called Catapult. We’re developing an internal blockchain to consolidate all the transactions there.

Stay tuned because April is gonna be a fantastic month. We’ll start the presale at the end of the month!

