The Twin Flame Journey: Why Can’t It Be Based on Existing Experiences?

Your true self’s magnetic attraction

Yolk Gemini
Twin Flame
6 min readJul 28, 2024


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The twin flame awakening and ascension force us to confront the reality that things are not always as they seem.

We begin to touch the realms of the soul — the infinite realms.

Most twin flame encounters involve elements that other “normal” people would call “supernatural.”

You may have gotten used to these things — synchronicities, repeating numbers, songs popping into your mind, your chakras tingling whenever your twin thinks of you, and so on.

As your journey progresses, you become accustomed to it.

Don’t forget its importance.

Because things don’t just stop there.

We are transitioning from a limited human world back into an infinite journey.

There will always be more happening.

Keep your heart open.

Anything is possible.

We ask twin flames to take the lead in this area.

These experiences and connections contradict anything that mainstream existing theories can explain.

Be cautious on your journey to avoid slipping back into the constrained, “realistic” world.

That will only hinder your journey.

Avoid becoming entangled in the collective energy fields, as they will only bring you down and submerge you in the “ordinary” experiences of conflict and frustration that most people encounter.

Despair, conflict, fear, loneliness, guilt, and comparing yourself to others are all common emotions.

Society is filled with people who, with the assistance of TV, news, advertisements, and others, focus on problems and limitations.

They focus more on what they lack than what they ought to be thankful for.

We are full of energy, always interacting with the energy of those around us.

So don’t forget the bigger picture.

Don’t ignore the “magic” that initially brought you here.

Deservingness and self-love are the keys to the twin flame reunion.

How you feel about yourself determines how others, especially your twin soul, react to you.

Try placing your hand on your heart and saying, “I love myself,” and see how you react.

If you feel uncomfortable, it’s clear something is happening inside.

For some reason, you believe that you aren’t worthy of love or that you can’t love yourself.

This has a big impact on your reunion process.

If we are in a negative state, feeling inadequate or believing that good things never happen to us, these feelings effectively shape our energy to block unconditional love and reunion.

You are worthy of love, unconditional acceptance, and cherished simply for being who you are.

But if you don’t feel it, your energy won’t allow it.

It will be unconsciously blocked.

A key realization for all twin flames is understanding that love is already there, and it’s already inside you.

Love is not something we must get from others.

It’s already within us.

Start shifting your vibration so you align with it.

If our frequency is low, we are not in harmony with love.

It’s there, but we can’t feel it.

Shift your energy; open it up again.

The twin flame journey is primarily a spiritual journey, and as souls, we are never separate from love. We just think we are.

Love resides in our hearts; it is who we are.

This way, you can always access your twin’s love from within.

To do this, look inward.

Discover the hidden spark of their soul in your heart, and know that you and they are forever together, living in the present moment.

This twin flame journey is about your own inner alchemy, just as much as it unfolds between you and your twin flame.

Take a few minutes to apologize for any harsh judgements you’ve made in the process.

You need to do some work “inside” before things can easily fall into place externally.

This is authenticity.

We must know who we truly are — an essential part of the twin flame ascension process, unveiling layers, discovering what’s behind it all.

Your true self is magnetic to your twin flame.

But the thing is, staying true to your real self might sound simple… but for most of us, it’s much more complex than it seems.

Our souls constantly urge us to look inward and ask ourselves:

What makes your heart race with excitement?

How would you live your life if money wasn’t an issue?

Who would you be?

It often takes a challenge to really break free from our habitual self-perceptions, but when that challenge arises, you face a big enough choice — you’ll remember who you are and why you’re here.

Often, it’s your soul self that arranges these challenges, so you can finally wake up to the truth.

That’s what “classroom learning” is all about.

Conflict, drama, and struggle are part of the human paradigm we are here to break through and discard.

For your soul, everything is a learning experience.

It’s just an experience.

A choice.

A preference.

Our universe is one of free will — we can choose to harm others or choose to love.

Your soul respects others’ rights to feel hurt.

To learn lessons.

Our souls are eagerly awaiting our realization and alignment with the following truth:

As energetic beings, our actions always affect others.

What we send out is what we activate within ourselves.

What we do for others sets the tone for what we attract back.

Especially for twin flames.

Often, twin souls are sitting back, waiting for them to realize there’s no real opposition in this pairing.

If you shift the blame to your twin, you’re shifting the blame to yourself.

As always, your inner self and intuition know what’s best for you personally.

If something feels heavy or negative, take a step back.

If there’s conflict, try to discuss it calmly.

You can honestly express your feelings while being open to differing opinions.

The world is full of energy and potential experiences.

That’s part of the journey’s magic for our souls.

The ability to select and produce is crucial.

The human mask allows us to see the light in everyone’s heart.

Every human action stems from a deep-seated longing for love.

The core motivation behind all our actions either stems from fear of losing love or trying to gain affection.

Keep this in mind and then re-examine your situation.

Can you see beyond beneficial and evil, right and wrong?

You cannot think or talk your way into love.

Love is an action, a feeling, an energy, an interaction.

When we become solely focused on talking about love, we distort our connection.

Love between twin flames is alchemy.

Look into their souls.

Talk to their higher self.

Interact with them: let them embrace you, love you, and tell you what’s going on.

Open the door.

Fear is a barrier, so there’s more reason to open up.

Allow your twin flame’s infinite self to love you.

Let them know how you feel.

Move away from the analytical mind and the human desire to “find love.”

Love is what we do and feel. Love is not spoken or discussed.

Of course you can do that.

However, understand that love is actually greater.

You can’t think your way into love.

When it comes to twins, you are not yourself; you are both.

The experience of love is like stars exploding, butterflies in the dark.

Act, feel, send, sing, and enjoy more love!

It’s waiting for you to take your entire experience to a new level.

Twin Flame needs new writers:

I encourage readers to share their stories as this method contains immense healing and growth energy; this is a submission guide suitable for new writers.

You and your other half are destined to be together.

Thank for reading!



Yolk Gemini
Twin Flame

Editor of Twin Flame. I share my twin flame experiences and the messages I've received here. My mission is to convey these most sincere messages and share love.