Twin Flame Journey: Breaking the Chaser-Runner Dynamic

The Divine Feminine holds the key — the power that opens the door.

Yolk Gemini
Twin Flame
5 min readJul 31, 2024


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The concept of twins is not merely about separating yin and yang energies. Many people commonly misunderstand the notion of a soul splitting into two. It is not true that the soul is incomplete or lacking. That’s not the case.

Contrarily, concepts of completeness and incompleteness originate from a higher-dimensional consciousness and are not applicable to the three-dimensional world. It doesn’t mean that the soul is only half. Twin flames can also be independent souls coming to Earth, so it’s not just about the separation of yin and yang energies.

Whether it’s female-yin, male-yang, female-yang, or male-yin, these are just initial energies before awakening. These energies change continuously through cycles. Once they stabilize above the heart chakra, it signifies the balance of yin and yang, as well as the moment of unconditional love.

Before achieving balance above the heart chakra, some twin flames experience the chaser-runner dynamic. This dynamic helps identify energy imbalances within oneself. The roles of the chaser and runner are flexible and subject to change. Moreover, this dynamic is not about chasing in the literal sense understood in the three-dimensional world.

While the chaser may often feel closer to spirituality or awaken more easily, this is not a fixed state. Because the energy of chasing and running is not fixed, the chaser tends to explore and think more; however, under inappropriate energy, they may overthink instead of truly feeling. When the energy is appropriate, the chaser’s previously sealed consciousness begins to loosen.

Initially, the chaser seeks explanations for their feelings. The runner, on the other hand, is not literally running away but rather avoiding exploring what they cannot understand. They think, “I can’t understand this, and I can’t explain it with three-dimensional theories,” so they run.

The runner may avoid thinking about it, meet the chaser, or contact them to deceive themselves into thinking they can sever the connection. However, because it originates from a cosmic level, this connection between twin flames is unbreakable.

Some might think twin flames or soulmates are special and interesting. If you think this way, it shows your consciousness is still relatively low. Awakened individuals don’t compare relationships as better or worse, higher or lower. Both twin flames and soulmates share lessons and missions. Twin flames might have a grander mission, but it’s not comparable to soulmates; their nature is simply different.

Soulmates help each other with lessons. In the twin flame journey, before awakening, the Divine Feminine cannot usually understand what the Divine Masculine is thinking. The Divine Masculine, regardless of their dominant energy, tends to be the runner. This is because the universe’s source, the source of creation, stems from the power of the Divine Feminine. The Divine Masculine needs to rely on the Divine Feminine’s power to awaken, creating a complementary relationship.

The divine feminine’s energy often initiates the awakening. Even if you lead an ordinary life and engage in mundane activities, you already possess your own magic prior to awakening; it’s simply sealed. This is particularly true for the Divine Masculine, who may have never considered making a positive impact on the Earth or those in their vicinity. They rarely think about these things.

Before awakening, most Divine Masculines think about working hard, earning money, and supporting their family. During the running phase, they aren’t literally running far away, but they may be observing from a distance. This way, the Divine Masculine is adorable; they want to know but are also afraid to know, so they observe from afar.

However, this distant observation is not in-depth or investigative. They might take a quick glance and then retreat, repeating this pattern. This behaviour is more evident if there are age differences or karmic issues.

The truth is, it’s difficult for them to sever the connection between twin flames. They might be confused and unsure of what to do. If the corresponding Divine Feminine has dominant yin energy, they might be eager to explore, confirm if the other is their twin flame, or want to know the outcome.

When these problems emerge, it signifies a state of stagnation in the process, hindering progress. This is because the essence of twins is about surrendering to the universe’s love. You will see the connection as coming from the universe’s source, not from your own desire to love. The inherent unity of your souls compels you to love them.

This love is unconditional. Even if they hurt you in the three-dimensional world, you still love them. It’s not a romantic obsession. You must distinguish between romantic obsession and true love. Once twin flames awaken, they become magicians, dragon tamers, queens, kings, knights, princes, or princesses, radiating their inner power.

The Divine Feminine is like a key, a light, an awareness that opens doors. Therefore, the Divine Feminine usually awakens first (note: Divine Feminine is not about gender, but yin energy up to a certain stage).

We’ve discussed the difference between female-yin and female-yang. Female-yin may explore more, but they struggle to connect with spirituality. Female yang may not explore as much, but they can easily connect with spiritual energy.

In some cases, if one’s yin-yang energy is well-balanced, they have a unique advantage, allowing both exploration and connection with the divine source. Everything seemingly coincidental is actually destined. It indicates that the timing is right for you to experience these events under the guidance of your spirit guides.

Always remember, whatever decision you make, whether to awaken or not, is your own inner choice. No one can force you. If you ask whether some twins refuse to awaken, I’d say if they realize their true mission, awakening is inevitable. If they resist or avoid it, it means they haven’t awakened.

The pre-awakening and post-awakening states are fundamentally different. Post-awakening, one possesses universal love, not conditional love.

Conditional love requires reasons; universal love requires none.

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Yolk Gemini
Twin Flame

Editor of Twin Flame. I share my twin flame experiences and the messages I've received here. My mission is to convey these most sincere messages and share love.