Twin Flames: Falling in Love with Someone Who Resonates with You

Respect your feelings and become a better you.

Yolk Gemini
Twin Flame
3 min readAug 1, 2024


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Here’s a fun fact that no one can deny, but only the wise know how to use it: All your feelings are real.

The feelings you feel are real, but the things you see may not be true. Your perceptions can also be altered.

So how do we use this?

It’s about respecting your first instinct. When your feelings differ from what others describe, respect your feelings, not their information. They are merely information providers in your world; they cannot empathize with your emotions.


So if you always respect yourself, if something makes you happy, it’s good. If it makes you unhappy, it’s detrimental.

Why do we live such conflicted lives?

It’s because what makes us content often conflicts with what others or our parents think is right. This creates conflict and tension, and when you can’t respect your own choices, it gets worse.

You might feel impossible to change anything. You might believe that people and things are obstacles that prevent you from being who you truly are. This makes life harder. No matter how rich you are, beautiful you are, no matter how smooth your life is, you won’t feel joy.

So what makes us really happy?

It’s about pursuing your passions. Maybe you want to be an artist, or travel the world. However, you think, “I don’t have enough money to travel the world.” I can’t quit my job because I need to keep working.”

Whether these things are real or not, you feel unhappy right now.

So how do you use your feelings to change things?

Many people won’t understand or disagree with me. But when you believe you are already in that environment and carry that feeling of happiness — because our brains create those images — you will experience that feeling briefly.

Let that feeling surround you while doing things; allow it to appear occasionally. You don’t need to maintain it constantly; just let it show up sometimes. You’ll notice things improving, opportunities opening, and significant people appearing in your life.

You can make these changes. Make changes in the moment by following your feelings, acting on them, and acting on what you feel.

This is something I’ve confirmed countless times. You can interpret this as information I’m sharing. If you don’t believe it, that’s okay too.

What you believe is what you see. But when you are hopeful about the future and don’t doubt your own power, many amazing and beautiful things will happen in your life.

Most readers might wonder why the title mentions twin flames, but the content doesn’t mention the words.

The reason is simple.

Due to this concept and term, many people misunderstand twin flames’ true nature.

Twin flames are actually about you, not about you and another person.

When you completely love yourself, your true self — your higher self, or the whole universe — will mobilize forces to create someone who resonates with you. This will bring them into your life through various scenarios and coincidences.

Do you understand?

It’s your creation, a product of self-love, a gift you created for yourself by loving yourself.

So in a twin flame relationship, there’s only one thing we need to do:

Respect your feelings, become a better you, and completely fall in love with yourself.

Twin Flame needs new writers:

I encourage readers to share their stories as this method contains immense healing and growth energy; this is a submission guide suitable for new writers.

You never need to fear losing your twin flame.

Thanks for reading!



Yolk Gemini
Twin Flame

Editor of Twin Flame. I share my twin flame experiences and the messages I've received here. My mission is to convey these most sincere messages and share love.