First Europe… now the world! Twinkl SEO Team nominated for second award

Dan Rawley
Twinkl Educational Publishers
2 min readJun 17, 2020

The lockdown period has been a busy one for Twinkl’s SEO team, with record traffic figures as a result of the free membership offer during Coronavirus, and this week we learned we have been nominated for a second industry award — this time ‘Global In-House Digital Team of the Year’ at the Global Digital Excellence Awards (GDXA).

As the name implies, the award was open to submissions from all over the world, and we’ve managed to make the final shortlist of just two companies!

The GDXA is a sister competition to the European Search Awards, which we were shortlisted for in April. Both competitions are judged by a panel of industry experts from across the world.

In both entries we discussed the challenges faced when the SEO team was established just 18 months ago and in tackling such a huge site across so many domains. We gave examples of previous and ongoing SEO projects and sent the judges a ‘before and after’ example of an optimised resource page.

Being nominated for the GDXA, which spans all digital work, not just SEO, also recognises the benefits of our work that transcend SEO, for example the UX and general marketing impact of our optimisations.

This is a particularly prescient reminder as we prepare to help residents of the Hive, Twinkl’s accelerator hub for fledgling businesses, achieve sustainable growth. At that early stage, SEO’s impact is arguably more important than ever.

Both awards have delayed their ceremonies due to Coronavirus but should announce the winners later this year.

About Dan Rawley

Dan focuses on international SEO at Twinkl, researching how customers in different countries display different search patterns. He comes from a Journalism background and is a music reviewer for a local Sheffield magazine.


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Dan Rawley
Twinkl Educational Publishers

An SEO Specialist at Twinkl, Dan provides SEO strategy, consultancy and training for startups and small businesses through TwinklHive.