The Advantages of Nearshore: Why Companies are embracing it

Miguel Vieira
Published in
3 min readJun 21, 2023

Step into a world where strategic decision-making meets boundless opportunities. Imagine having the power to calculate costs and advantages, shape your global supply chain with precision, and unlock the secrets of successful nearshoring.

Working from home was an adventure we all had to take during the global Covid-19 pandemic. Companies sought to innovate by looking for a method to work from home and be able to keep their productivity up. One of the sectors that benefited from this digital transition was Nearshore.

Although customers and companies were thousands of miles away, it was possible to keep the IT industry at the height of its success while facing the obstacles that distance brought with it. To this day, nearshoring has to go through five types of distances that hinder the whole business process between both parties. If you would like to know more about it, take a look at our post!

In today’s dynamic business landscape, where uncertainty looms large, astute global businesses are discovering the immense potential of nearshore offices. By establishing local teams and harnessing the talent of nearby regions, they effortlessly reduce language barriers and bring down costs, opening new doors to success. Through Nearshore, the convenience of in-person meetings becomes a reality, fostering stronger collaboration between local and nearshore staff.

Gone are the days of arduous travel and productivity losses. Nearshoring brings the advantage of shorter flights and reduced expenses, ensuring that valuable time and resources are maximized. Executives with far-sighted visions find solace in the stability nearshore locations provide, offering a shield against the unpredictable winds of the business environment.

In this shifting landscape, where quality and reliability are paramount, nearshoring emerges as an irresistibly appealing option. It brings a unique blend of benefits that surpass the boundaries of global outsourcing. The allure lies in its ability to deliver flexible and cost-effective labour, faster time to market, superior product quality, enhanced control, streamlined supply chain management, and robust intellectual property protection.

As nearshore nations beckon with competitive labour markets, the quest for excellence finds its answer. While wages may be higher than in emerging nations, the expertise and skills offered are unparalleled. Nearshore high-skill operations become magnets for talent willing to invest in better services and higher pay. Language barriers are dissolved, cultural alignment is effortless, physical closeness becomes an asset, and synchronous time zones provide a seamless workflow.

Apart from nearshoring, where strategic advantages meet untapped potential, Ubiwhere embraces the opportunities that await and unlock a future where success knows no bounds. Ubiwhere has come up with a new concept that goes beyond nearshoring, called Product Development as a Service!

Product Development as a Service is a solution to implement product roadmaps, ideate innovation plans or build great services with bleeding-edge technologies for clients. Embedded in the B2B strategy, Ubiwhere has a team of professionals that manages, creates, and develops technological solutions to answer clients’ needs by comprehending customers’ key blockers and helping on creating a team that can help on achieving their objectives.

In addition to all the advantages that Nearshore brings as a business model, Product Development as a Service brings even more! Their technical and non-technical profiles are part of the process that will understand the client’s needs and requests and create the best solution for the client! Through this new solution, the client doesn’t have to face distance problems since Ubiwhere has a team of professionals and a Project manager responsible for everything, which will be entirely focused on the project, leaving the client with no responsibilities!

If you’re curious about our new concept and would like to work with Ubiwhere to produce the best solution for your business, take a look at our post that goes in depth about that and get to know us on our website!

