Published in
5 min readMar 19, 2021


It has now been 3 months since we announced the public release of the Ultra platform, our highly anticipated solution for gamers and game developers. As our Wave 1 is coming soon to its conclusion, we’re taking the opportunity to give you an update on the progress we made and the various community activities that are ongoing.

As we highlighted in the previous community update, the Ultra client will now be upgraded every month. The March update included a few improvements that we’re glad to share with you. They are already available for our Wave 1 users.

Iterative Release #3 Delivered on Production March 2

  • Wallet-to-wallet transfer enabled.
  • Wallet balance Auto-update.
  • Sign-up process improved.
  • New Geofencing information for every token.
  • New UI for Geofencing management in a Token Factory.
  • Refund management interface to better handle refund requests.

Gate and Bithumb Listings

On February 22, UOS was listed on Bithumb, a Korean leading exchange. It is an important listing for Ultra:»Korea is a key country for eSport and we already have a fledgling community in the region!

We are excited to increase our presence in Korea and hope to work further with crypto and gaming Korean companies in the near future.

On March 15, we were pleased to learn that UOS was listed on Gate.io, a popular exchange which is highly trusted in the crypto space. We are currently working to add more exchanges in the coming future, as we want to increase UOS volume for the release of Ultra.

Cointelegraph Article

In the heat of the NFT hype, Ultra didn’t go unnoticed. Cointelegraph published an article that underlines UOS recent growth as well as Ultra’s leading innovation in the crypto-gaming sector. You can read the article below.

Crypto: Against all Odds

As a surprise to our Wave 1 users, we partnered with Pictagor to publish “Crypto: Against all Odds” on the Ultra platform the same day as its Steam/GoG release. It was our first game launch and a perfect occasion to tighten our relationship with Plugin Digital by helping to promote a game based on the crypto universe.

Pictagor was impressed by our community’s amazing response and are now considering adding UOS as a component of the game. Kudos to them and the Ultra’s community for their impressive radness and we hope that things will go even further when we’ll make our SDK available for NFT creation, gamification, cross-platform publishing, and so on.

Our Theta’s streamers enjoyed the game too! LaDime gave “Crypto: Against all Odds” a long and meticulous try on Tuesday, March 9 to celebrate the release. We can’t wait for the Wave 2’s surprises!

Community Initiatives

In this community update, we really want to thank our community members for their incredible support. Not only Ultra community’s enthusiastic involvement stimulates the interest and increases the awareness about the project among gamers and crypto users, but having a strong and organized community also inevitably leads to more support from game devs, exchanges, media, etc.

Ultra community’s commitment has manifested itself in a multitude of creative ways some of which are showcased here. Note that we are, as always, open for new ideas and initiatives! If you want to contribute, feel free to send a DM to our Community Managers Emmanuel or Anthony on Telegram.

Surf The Wave 2

During 3 weeks in February, we organized an event in partnership with Theta to offer exclusive Wave 2 accesses during live streams hosted by our WaffleUncle, Kmack710, and Saifou and his crew from La Cabane (French people!).

During this fun celebration you could see the Wave 1 version of our platform live and win one of the many prizes including 6000 UOS, 4500 TFUEL and 9 Wave 2 accesses.

Our Surf The Wave 2 event concluded with a French AMA involving our Co-CEOs David & Nicolas. If you missed it, here is the recording.

Community Giveaways

Because our community is also very active on Twitter, we collaborated with @Ultra_Community to offer a few Wave 2 accesses through various contests of their choice. The first contest gave 3 accesses to those who did the best Ultra logo IRL. Entries are amazing, check them out!

The second contest, still ongoing (registrations are closed though), is a price prediction game with another 3 accesses to win!


Very interesting and detailed articles were published during the last weeks too. One that caught a lot of eyes is the price prediction / investment thesis written by @Ultra_Community (below). The article explores 3 possible growth scenarios based on various expected metrics such as game purchases, mining, advertising, game reselling, …

A French website also made a detailed article about Ultra which reminds the one of Cryptoast. Our French community is definitively very active!

MDX is also an early supporter of Ultra, and that’s why we are always pleased to come back to him when we want to talk about Ultra in a deep way! Below you’ll find a full presentation of Ultra with Nicolas and David answering very interesting questions from MDX and his community, make sure to check it out:

Amazing fan art made by XentriKK3. He even made it as a NFT on Opensea

We really want to thank you all for your support, with your content creation, support on telegram and twitter, etc. We can clearly see why Ultra as a community centric platform has a real chance against Steam!

We are still pushing Ultra to all kinds of future actors to build our ecosystem of games and applications, and all feedback we get is awesome, people are truly impressed by Ultra! The hype around NFTs helps us, as even outsiders realize now the potential of this technology but how difficult/impossible would it be for them to onboard their community on Ethereum or others solutions. Giving us even more confidence about the product and technologies we are building!

About Ultra

Ultra is the first entertainment platform providing all key games industry services under a single roof, accessible through a single login.

Built around our PC games distribution store, Ultra Games, our platform will provide access to countless centralized and decentralized services: Discover, buy, play and sell your games and in-game items, watch live-streaming feeds, interact with your favorite influencers, participate in contests, compete in tournaments, and much more.

Ultra has been built to provide endless value for players, a fair playing ground for developers, and a whole new world of opportunities for the games industry.

For more information, visit ultra.io and onultra.io and follow along on Twitter, YouTube, Telegram, and Discord.

