Exploring Ultra’s Ecosystem: A Modern Gamer’s Haven

Steve Raath
Published in
6 min readMar 6, 2023

Welcome to Ultra, a first-of-its-kind entertainment ecosystem built for gamers. With a range of cutting-edge applications, Ultra aims to provide a host of new and innovative experiences for gamers and developers alike. This post will illuminate everything you need to know about Ultra’s application ecosystem, as well as what you’ll be able to achieve on our platform. Strap in.

Ultra’s Application Ecosystem: Web3 Gaming Platform

Ultra’s Application Ecosystem: A Deep Dive

The Ultra platform is devoted to providing an all-in-one solution for passionate gamers of all kinds and ultimately a new way to engage in gaming. Through our application ecosystem and our technology, Ultra envisions a gaming future where gamers obtain the following:

  • True ownership of their games and assets
  • New and exciting ways of experiencing games
  • Added security

Our ecosystem consists of four core applications: Ultra Games, Uniq Marketplace, Ultra Arena, and the Ultra Wallet:

Ultra Games: Ultra’s PC games store and game launcher.

Uniq Marketplace: The digital asset marketplace of the Ultra ecosystem.

Ultra Arena: A tournament platform within the Ultra client.

Ultra Wallet: A non-custodial wallet on the Ultra platform.

These four applications individually will provide new experiences and added value for players and developers alike, but collectively, they’re set to complement each other and pave the way for an ecosystem that gamers and developers will want to be a part of.

Ultra’s Ecosystem: Connecting the Core Applications

Each app within the Ultra client is seamlessly linked, creating a hub for gamers to thrive. Having an Ultra account and the client downloaded will soon give you full access to this suite of applications, and ultimately provide you with a new way of cultivating your gaming experience.

Let’s highlight how these apps are connected:

  • Second-hand games and other game assets on Ultra Games can be found or sold on the Uniq Marketplace.
  • Ultra Arena prizes can be found or sold on the Uniq Marketplace.
  • Games on Ultra Games can be coherently linked with tournaments on Ultra Arena.
  • Uniqs on the Uniq Marketplace can enable perks within Ultra Games and the Uniq Marketplace.
  • Uniqs can give access to gated tournaments on Ultra Arena.

These are just a few ways in which these applications complement each other.

Let’s break down each application.

Ultra Games

Ultra Games: Web3 PC Games Store

This is Ultra’s games store and game launcher. On Ultra Games, you can browse and launch games on an interface that caters to both casual and hardcore gamers.

  • Explore a wide variety of popular games, and easily purchase with a credit card or $UOS.
  • Download, launch, and update games effortlessly on Ultra Games.
  • Resell and buy second-hand games on the Uniq Marketplace.

What sets Ultra Games apart is its commitment to providing the best in all styles of games, including the most-played web3 games. Web3 titles are blockchain-integrated games that offer a unique, value-driven gaming experience. With Ultra Games, players can enjoy popular titles while also experimenting with web3-based titles.

Game tokenization is set to change the way we own our games. Having games as Uniqs will enable players to have full ownership of their games, meaning they can sell previously loved games on an open marketplace and derive value from them. Game tokenization is coming in 2023 on Ultra.

Uniq Marketplace

Uniq Marketplace: Ultra’s Digital Asset marketplace

The Uniq Marketplace is the digital asset marketplace within Ultra. Here is what you can expect on our marketplace:

  • Browse a curated digital asset marketplace focused on games, communities, and other assets.
  • Own Uniqs that provide exclusive benefits to different games and communities, as well as Uniqs that provide notable utility within the Ultra platform.
  • Trade Uniqs on our marketplace with zero gas fees, along with ultra-fast transactions

Uniqs offer a powerful method for engaging communities, whether gaming-related or not. They’re a mechanism to reward players and community members and our marketplace is the platform to trade them.

Along with digital collectibles and assets, the Uniq Marketplace will also host physical asset Uniqs, which are essentially physical items represented by a Uniq. A prime example here is the Fashion3 Uniq drop — a clothing collection with ownership represented by a Uniq.

Ultra Arena

Ultra Arena: Ultra’s Web3 Esports Tournament platform

The Ultra Arena app is a tournament platform where anyone, from amateur to professional players, can compete and win in their favorite games.

  • Compete in tournaments with friends with $UOS and Uniqs up for grabs.
  • Participate in tournaments of varying skill levels, spanning across a wide range of games, regardless of whether they’re hosted on Ultra Games (provided this fits within a game’s community guidelines).
  • Receive rewards sent to your Ultra Wallet.

By incorporating a tournament platform within the application, managing teams and entering tournaments becomes more streamlined and convenient compared to other esports tournament platforms. With Ultra, everything can be managed seamlessly within the app.

In addition to offering innovative rewards for players, Ultra Arena has the capacity to revolutionize game communities like never before. The application will provide unique opportunities for players to benefit from their tournament winnings in a more meaningful way, with Uniqs and $UOS being key elements of Ultra’s ecosystem.

Game studios, publishers, and gaming brands are encouraged to organize tournaments on the platform, tailor-made to their specific preferences, and foster a competitive, yet entertaining atmosphere around their games.

Ultra Wallet

Ultra Wallet: Ultra’s non-custodial wallet

Your own Ultra Wallet is automatically generated for you as soon as you’ve created an Ultra account. The Ultra Wallet goes with you wherever you go on the Ultra platform:

  • Store $UOS and Uniqs in your wallet.
  • Purchase games and Uniqs with the funds stored in your wallet.
  • Our chrome extension is a web-based solution for users wishing to explore the Ultra ecosystem outside the platform.

As a non-custodial wallet, players retain complete control of their private keys and funds. Overall, non-custodial wallets give users greater control, privacy, and security over their digital assets.

The Future of the Ultra Ecosystem

The Ultra ecosystem is only just beginning to show its worth to players and game developers. The future of the ecosystem will tackle all the current pain points in both a gamer’s and developer’s experience and provide a platform where both can get more value from their time spent playing, and building games.

Players will have access to the finest game content, a marketplace to trade their assets, and a tournament platform to compete and win with their friends — all under one application.

It’s time to change the way we experience PC gaming. Download Ultra here.

About Ultra

Ultra is the first entertainment platform providing all key game industry services under a single roof, accessible through a single login.

Built around our PC games distribution store, Ultra Games, our platform will provide access to countless centralized and decentralized services: Discover, buy, play, and sell your games and in-game items, watch live-streaming feeds, interact with your favorite influencers, participate in contests, compete in tournaments, and much more.

Ultra has been built to provide endless value for players, a fair playing ground for developers, and a whole new world of opportunities for the games industry.

For more information, visit ultra.io and onultra.io and follow along on Twitter, YouTube, Telegram, and Discord.

