Ultra Notes — March 2023

Steve Raath
Published in
4 min readApr 12, 2023

In March, Ultra’s ecosystem was abuzz with a series of exciting announcements related to core releases and new features.

New to Ultra

This ninth edition of Ultra Notes includes exciting announcements, new features, utility deliveries, and tournaments.

Get in the loop with what’s happening at Ultra!

Company Updates

We’re Unleashing Ultra Games!

We recently announced that Ultra Games is going public, meaning everyone will have access to our beloved game store from the 25th of April. Ultra Games will join the Uniq Marketplace and the Ultra Wallet as the third core app to go public on the platform, contributing to an interconnected ecosystem for players. With the addition of Ultra Games, players will soon have seamless access to games and digital assets.

As we lead up to the release date, we’ll share some more exciting updates with you so stay updated by following our Twitter. If you’re new to Ultra, download the client and begin getting familiar with the platform.

Closed Beta Tournaments on Ultra Arena are here!

With the completion of internal testing amongst the Ultra team, we announced that Ultra Arena closed beta tournaments will start taking place. Ultra’s Power 2, 4, 5, 8, 11, 12, 13, Elemental Souls Air, Metal, Fire, Collective, and Legendary Galaxy Droidz will have a chance to register for several gated access tournaments on Ultra Arena throughout the month of April.

Once again, this closed beta period is crucial for the app’s enhancement, and we can’t wait to get the Ultra community involved.

Utility Delivery!

  • Uniq Gold: On the 22nd of March, our Co-CEOs, Nicolas, and David, hosted an exclusive AMA for Uniq Gold holders. Here, holders got their most burning questions about Ultra answered, as well as some sneak peeks surrounding various developments. The AMA was a huge success, with plenty of great questions answered.
  • Battle Pass airdrop: Holders of Ultra’s Power 2, 4, 5, 8, 11, 12, 13, Elemental Souls Air, Metal, Fire, Collective, and Legendary Galaxy Droidz were airdropped a Battle Pass Uniq, which provides gated access to closed beta tournaments on Ultra Arena.
Battle Pass Uniq for Ultra Arena

Once again, we’ve got more utility delivery planned, as well as other exciting perks for other Uniqs on our marketplace. Download Ultra and have a look for yourself.

Undead Blocks is Coming to Ultra Games!

Introducing Undead Blocks — the newest addition to Ultra Games’ lineup of multiplayer games. This action-packed zombie survival shooter offers a pulse-pounding gameplay experience that challenges players to collect weapons and battle hordes of undead enemies. Undead Blocks will be playable upon the public launch of Ultra Games.

Development Updates

Deep linking functionality added to Uniq collections!

With deep links implemented, everyone can now link anyone to Uniq collections from any social platform or website, just like we did right here. Deep linking will aid various marketing initiatives for developers and content creators, who can now easily promote Uniqs on Ultra.

What’s next for deep linking is being able to link players to game pages on Ultra Games, as well as tournaments on Ultra Arena. More information on deep linking is on its way!

Ultra Chrome Extension audit complete!

We’re excited to announce that the external security audit of our wallet extension has been successfully completed. We now have the green light to add mainnet connectivity. From here, we will begin running internal tests on the mainnet with the wallet extension while simultaneously preparing for the Google Chrome Store review.

Uniq Variants!

Our team is working to enhance the Uniq standard by testing Uniq variants within our dev environments. These variants are a crucial method for enabling metadata variations within existing factories, which provides creators with increased flexibility to customize their Uniq collections. The variant system also allows developers to do all kinds of exciting initiatives in a flexible way, such as updating weapons or character metadata in real time and turning actual Ultra Games Uniqs into PFPs.

Tokenization update!

We’re nearing the final stages of development for game tokenization. As part of this process, we’re currently testing the functionality within our internal environments to ensure a seamless experience for players.

As a quick refresher, tokenized games mean players have full control over their games. Not only do players truly own the games they’ve bought, but it also gives them the opportunity to trade them with other players. This also opens up many doors for developers, including but not limited to additional marketing activities, community building, and exclusive perks for game owners.

Minimum resell price on Uniqs!

We’re currently working on a feature that will allow creators to set a minimum resale price in USD for Uniqs. At the moment, this feature is exclusively available for $UOS. This update will provide creators with greater control over the pricing of their Uniq collections.

About Ultra

Ultra is the first entertainment platform providing all key games industry services under a single roof, easily accessible through a single login.

Built around our PC games distribution store, Ultra provides access to countless centralized and decentralized services: Discover, buy, play and sell your games and in-game items, watch live-streaming feeds, interact with your favorite influencers, participate in contests, compete in tournaments, and much more.

Ultra has been built to provide endless value for players, a fair playing ground for developers, and a whole new world of opportunities for the games industry.

For more information, visit ultra.io and onultra.io and follow along on Twitter, YouTube, Telegram, Instagram, and Discord.

