Want To Make A Good Investment Choice In Metaverse Projects? Here Are What You Should Know!

Umbala Wolves
Umbala Metaverse
Published in
5 min readApr 9, 2022

The metaverse is a persistent, online, three-dimensional environment that integrates numerous virtual spaces. Users will be able to collaborate, meet, play games, and socialize in these 3D environments thanks to the metaverse. This platform is believed to offer a genuine potential for cutting-edge innovation and high-return startups. It’s a crowded market for Metaverse projects, how can we identify a good Metaverse project to invest in?

What Types Of Companies Are Venture Captials’ Favorite?

When it comes to Metaverse projects we may think of Meta’s project with the initial investment of $10 billion in 2021 but in fact, there are plenty of promising projects out there that are rooted in youthful entrepreneurs and start-ups. Surprisingly, many Venture Capitals (VCs) prefer investing in these small-scaled companies rather than big corporate as long as those projects demonstrate their long-term advantages. Simply because start-ups usually put forward innovative ideas and much quicker adapt to the market than any huge corporate could ever do historically.

Andy Liu from Unlock Venture Partners has stated the prospects of start-ups companies and the future of the Metaverse platform that this type of technology will keep transforming incredibly in the next 10 years when it can effortlessly remove the gap between the physical and virtual world at best. He anticipates the spaces that could help gather people together, grant opportunities for real connections, and earn money incorporated with NFTs’ potential will survive through times.

Hence, when you would like to bet your money on Metaverse, go seek a VC firm that believes in its promise and gains a diverse portfolio of investment in similar types of technologies. This depicts that thorough scrutiny of these VCs on those projects and their long-term orientation never lets the invested firms fail.

Companies Always Present In Top List

There would be hundreds of Top lists of Metaverse projects from varied aspects: Topmost invested, topmost potential, topmost high-valued, etc. Hence, you should look them all up. There will be some familiar faces that will never be crossed out from the list, that’s when you realize the most suitable projects to put money onto.

For example, mentioning Metaverse projects, some names that come to the top of your mind could be Axie Infinity, Decentraland, The SandBox, etc. Certainly, these projects already have great momentum to keep dominating the Crypto Communities so investing in them should not encounter any hesitation.

Still, You Must Make Your Own Decision: Some Signs Of Big Trending Will Help!

On the other hand, you may find some prospective projects that got the most investment, thrived the fastest, and are quite challenging to start off for their expensive entrance price. Not securing money can obstruct you from investing in big projects so you still have to foresee the prospects and make your own decision in investing in new projects.

Below could be some tips for you:

1. Observe the trends:

What types of Metaverse are they? Will their NFTs collection be high-valued? What art types in NFTs are current favorites?

Presently, Social-Fi Metaverse is supposed to be the next biggest trend for investors as it expands the market to common users rather than gamers in Game-Fi. The essence of Social-Fi is to bring up social core values, connect people, and help users earn monetary values through trading NFTs in various activities. NFTs collection values are correlated to the Metaverse project’s values partially, if one of these two gets emerged, the other side would receive the same advantages. The next trending art style for NFTs shall be 3D, futuristic style, with mechanical feelings of the new techno-enabled world.

2. How about Crypto Influencers, what do they say?

If many Crypto influencers are chasing the NFTs collection of one Metaverse project, that project bears a huge potential to flourish, as those influencers’ followers would keep pushing the heat of that project. Investing in it at the early stage would help you gain a fortune.

3. Do that companies have any unique ways of approaching the market?

Many start-ups failed at the beginning as they did not have a strategic way to approach the market so it requires you to keep updated with how one company launches their project/NFTs collection. Do they have any campaigns, or pre-events that stir up the market? If yes, how many people have to blend themselves in that wave already (companies surely will publish that number), the more people participate, the bigger those projects could become.

Good Metaverse Projects To Invest

1. Axie Infinity

Axie Infinity is a game universe populated by intriguing animals known as Axies, which players can collect and keep as pets. The goal of the game is for players to fight, breed, collect, grow, and establish kingdoms for their Axies. Players can actually own, purchase, sell, and trade commodities earned in the game through smart gameplay and contributions to the environment in the universe’s player-owned economy. In 2021, Axie Infinity achieved over 8.3 million players and gained $3.5 billion in NFT transactions in total.

2. Decentraland

In Decentraland, players are encouraged to trade, stake, and develop digital assets. It allows users to make judgments about their digital real taste, the Metaverse coin, and to make use of the platform’s play-to-earn function.

At the beginning of 2022, Decentraland was recorded to receive 300,000 monthly active users and 18,000 daily users, and $2.43 million of sales volume by the end of 2021.

3. The SandBox

The Sandbox is a virtual environment on the Ethereum blockchain where users may create, control, and sell their game experiences using SAND, the platform’s utility token. This virtual world has hit over 2 million registered users and $3.3M in sales volume at the beginning of 2022.

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