Go to Unbabel R&D
Unbabel R&D
Unbabel is building a Language Operations platform that helps every team across a company easily interact with customers in any language. Here we’ll share articles from our R&D team about their work in Machine Learning and Neural Language Processing.
Note from the editor

Unbabel is building a Language Operations platform that helps every team across a company easily interact with customers in any language. Here we’ll share articles from our R&D team about their work in Machine Learning and Neural Language Processing.

Go to the profile of Unbabel
AI-powered human translations, at scale. We build multilingual understanding between companies and their customers.
Go to the profile of Ricardo Rei
Ricardo Rei
Research Scientist @Unbabel, PhD student @Técnico
Go to the profile of Catarina Farinha
Go to the profile of Pedro Henrique Martins
Go to the profile of André Martins
André Martins
VP of AI Research at Unbabel and Invited Professor at the University of Lisbon.