Notion Lean Canvas Template

Notes on Using Notion to Run My Startup

Jeff Whitlock
2 min readJun 22, 2018


Lean Canvas Notion Template: Link

I’ve long written about my love ❤️/ hate 😡relationship with Evernote (for example, here ). I tried many alternatives (e.g., Bear, Google Keep, Apple Notes), but each of these had their own failings and were not quite good enough to lure me away.

Then came Notion. In short, it’s amazing—see my Product Hunt review below for more details. It has the potential to be so much more than a note-taking tool. After playing with Notion, I caught the vision of how I could potentially use Notion to run a large portion of the business, from OKRs to Investor tracking.

Over the last few weeks, I’ve moved more and more of my startup’s documentation and working artifacts to Notion.

Today, I put Unbird’s Lean Canvas on Notion, and it worked surprisingly well. Putting a Lean Canvas on Notion (as opposed to using Lean Stack or Google Sheets) has many benefits…

  • Emoji fun 😜
  • Create and assign tasks to make the document more of a working tool
  • Link to other Notion notes to create an easily-accessible information hierarchy from your Lean Canvas
  • Easy to attach documents, web pages, etc. right in context of your Lean Canvas

…while keeping the other benefits from these tools:

  • Easy to edit
  • Easy to collaborate

Given how much I’m loving this, I thought I’d make a Lean Canvas template and share it:

Unbird Lean Canvas Template

Feel free to copy it for your own use, and let me know how it works for you in the comments!



Jeff Whitlock

CEO and Founder at Unbird. I love product, startups, software, and politics.