UnBlocked Cash in Numbers — report from Vanuatu for January 2021

The humanitarian response program in the Pacific nation of Vanuatu entered its 4th month of implementation. Here are the latest monitoring results for January 2021.

Oxfam UnBlocked Cash
The UnBlocked Cash Stories
2 min readFeb 6, 2021


Photo: Arlene Bax / Oxfam in Vanuatu

In January 2021 the response program did not carry any new registrations and thus continued providing assistance to the 3,211 already registered beneficiaries and vendors (you can find the numbers for Dec 2020 here). Therefore much of the numbers in January are the same as in December — the demographics of beneficiaries and types of vendors participating in the program did not change from December.

The major change has been seen in the volume of transactions as beneficiaries continued to receive cash assistance disbursed directly onto their e-voucher cards through the UnBlocked Cash online dashboard.

Graphic by Oxfam in Vanuatu

TheUnBlocked Cash response in Vanuatu has distributed nearly 25M Vatu in digital cash assistance in January, which brings the total amount of distributed cash in this response to 109,400,000 Vt (+1M USD).

The program has registered 14,000 payment transactions in January, which translates to a very high spending ratio of 87% (compared to 88% in December).

There have been slight differences in month-to-month spending patterns:

Spending has increased for
sanitation and hygiene products+ 4%
hardware + 3%

while it decreased in
long-life food -5%
water -2%

Finally, the program continues to operate its hotline to address any questions or problems, as well as receive feedback. The hotline in January received 113 calls (562 is a total number of calls since the program started in October).



Oxfam UnBlocked Cash
The UnBlocked Cash Stories

Modernizing humanitarian aid with the open-sourced Digital Cash Assistance solution powered by blockchain. Led by Oxfam in the Pacific.