Article by Elyssa Macaraeg & Mark Christian T. Fuerte | Edited by Danica Dichoso & Gemuel Pacheco | Graphics by Arabella Grace Palisoc & Ezekhyna Naval

From “Should” to “Could”: Embracing Growth Beyond Obligation Towards Passion

Elyssa Macaraeg
Published in
9 min readApr 13, 2024


Whether within or outside the bustling corridors of the Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP) College of Communication (COC), one of many names echoes through the halls of leadership, fueled by a burning passion for service and forever etched in the hearts of her community — Petrona Bea Sevilla. A fourth-year communication research student who perfectly shows how strong leadership and unwavering commitment can truly create change.

Setting the Stage

Since her freshman year, Bea has been instrumental in the organization known as PUP Circle of Research Enthusiasts (CORE), a premier academic organization of COC under the Department of Communication Research (DCR). Throughout her affiliation with the organization, she has demonstrated impressive growth, efficient leadership, and a steadfast dedication to providing public service.

Bea began her journey in CORE as a junior officer within the External Relations Committee and subsequently advanced to the Executive Board (EB) holding the position of Vice President for External Relations in her second year. While in her third year, she achieved the position of Vice President for Internal Relations, both of which had significant influence on the organization’s initiatives and direction. She is currently a member of the Internal Relations Committee, holding the position of year-level representative, where she consistently applies her experience and unyielding dedication to the various activities undertaken by the said organization.

In spite of the rigorous demands of her course, Bea’s commitment to CORE remains firm. She gives her constant attention and effort to the camaraderie and sense of purpose fostered within the organization. “Maraming organizations ‘yung pwede natin salihan pero iilan lang ‘yung ‘makakavibe’ mo,” (“There are many organizations we can join, but only a few we can truly vibe with.”) Bea reflects, highlighting the significance of finding a supportive and worthwhile environment.

Despite no longer assuming exclusive leadership positions on some projects, Bea remains actively involved in overseeing key initiatives for the organization. Throughout her affiliation, she has played a crucial role in supervising ABA Season 2 as part of the ABA CHRONICLES otherwise known as “Aba! Nakasusulat na pala ako!(ABNKSSLTNPLK), and Pagkatapos ng Takipsilim, two major projects showcasing CORE’s impact and creativity within the community.

In addition to her involvement in leadership, Bea is actively involved in her local church, St. Gabriel the Archangel Parish, through her role as secretary of the Social Communications Ministry. Her presence in this ministry exemplifies her dedication to the service of both the university and the wider community, leveraging her adeptness in communication to exert a positive impact across various domains of society.

Bea demonstrates the significant impact of commitment and service through her leadership both within and beyond the campus walls. Her journey stands as a testament to the lasting relationships formed within the institution and the significant influence of collaborative endeavors in bringing about beneficial transformations both within and outside the university premises.

Commitment Amidst Challenges

In her sophomore year, Bea got her footing with the Polytechnic University of the Philippines Student Council (PUPSC). The organization functions as a representative body for the students and strives to safeguard their rights and welfare. Appointed to the council as a junior officer, Bea assumed her position and duties, persistently serving the public. However, her dedication to service led her to take on additional commitments with another organization, prompting her to step down from her officer position the following year. Yet, to this day, Bea has never wavered in her commitment to helping her fellow students.

Despite her decision to step down as an officer, Bea continued to be involved in the organization, providing assistance to her fellow students as needed. Above and beyond her official responsibilities, she demonstrated her genuine concern for PUPians by tirelessly advocating for student rights and improving their overall condition.

Even outside university premises, Bea utilized the leadership skills and responsibility that she honed during her time at PUPSC and other organizations. As a result, she has emerged as a beacon of hope and progress even in the challenging field of local government. Her election as Sangguniang Kabataan (SK) Councilor in Barangay 81, South Caloocan, just a few months ago is a testament to the transformative power of dedication and determination. Bea’s journey, which focuses on representing the youth in her community, begins with a committed campaign and culminates in a triumphant election. She credits her involvement in public service to her experience at PUPSC.

By prioritizing the needs of others before her own, Bea exemplified the ideals of servant leadership during her tenure with the PUPSC and being SK Councilor in her community. She inspired people around her with her constant dedication and generosity, creating a sense of unity and camaraderie on campus.

A Beacon of Creativity and Advocacy

In COC, WanWan Production shone out as an artistic and innovative haven. During the 2021–2022 academic year, a group of committed Communication Research students from 2–1 established WanWan Production, which quickly became an arena for academic and entertainment productions at PUP COC. As a student-run organization, it has made a name for itself because of the hard work of the department’s passionate students, including Bea.

Having started as WanWan’s Vice President of Productions, Bea is now the organization’s Training Director. She oversees the organization’s newest endeavors and is responsible for supervising all of their productions.

One of the notable achievement of WanWan Production was its successful execution of the “2022 National ElectionElectorates of Literacy project. The primary objective of this project was to delve into the significance of voter participation during the National Election, particularly in the context of urging individuals to reflect on and be more conscious of the future of our society before casting their votes for the most suitable candidate who could contribute to a better society.

Providing the PUP community with diverse and informative projects is WanWan Production’s crucial objective, and it will remain so as the organization grows and expands. In the world of student-led initiatives at PUP COC, WanWan Production is ready to create an even bigger splash thanks to Bea’s supervision and the combined efforts of its members.

Beyond the Lens

Bea’s expertise extends far beyond the realms of film and production; her research skills are equally impressive. Her department spearheaded Limbagan, an academic initiative that reflects her career journey. Taking place from February 29th to March 1st, 2024, the workshop gave learners the opportunity to present their research proposals and receive comprehensive feedback from a panel of professionals through a combination of online Zoom meetings and face to face session. Initially hesitant, Bea and her group mates decided to take a leap of faith, submitting their group’s thesis just before the deadline. Little did they know that this spontaneous decision would set them on the path to a formative academic experience.

Limbagan was not just a showcase; it was a gateway to a world of unconventional learning. Far removed from the confines of traditional classrooms, Bea and her team immersed themselves in a sea of new concepts and experiences. Their participation in this endeavor showed them that there is a limitless world of information beyond what they can find in textbooks. Bea’s journey epitomizes the essence of embracing opportunities, emphasizing the importance of seizing every chance to learn and grow.

Where Responsibility Meets Happiness

“Hindi ako nag eexpect na gagraduate ako na may laude pero gagawin ko ‘yun para sa pangarap ko, like lagi ako ganoon.”

[“I wasn’t expecting to graduate with honors, but I will do it for my dream; I’ve always been like that.”]

Said by Petrona Bea Sevilla 2024

Currently, in her fourth year of college, Bea didn’t set extremely high goals for herself, such as aiming for a “Latin Honor” at graduation, which allowed her to avoid feeling overwhelmed or stressed during her academic journey.

Amidst juggling multiple organizations, Bea found herself unexpectedly excelling academically, maintaining consistent academic performance despite her heavy involvement in various extracurricular activities. Especially while engrossed in the thrilling college experience and actively participating in so many organizations, she never expected to achieve such consistency. Bea’s attitude toward college shows that she is determined to make the most out of her four years, even amidst the challenges posed by online classes.

Even though Bea had some doubts about her chosen field, her drive to succeed never soured. While she was a first-year student, she freely acknowledged that she had doubts about her abilities in the area of communications as a whole. Nevertheless, her family–particularly her mother–who served as her inspiration and guide, strengthened her determination to persevere. Bea understood the significance of having a reason to succeed and the part her family played in that, and she gave them the credit they deserved.

Throughout her college journey, Bea grappled with the occasional love-hate relationship with her academic discipline. However, the intervention of the organizations to which she belongs changes her perspective. Though she considered taking a leave of absence (LOA) in her third year, Bea ended up rediscovering her love for CommRes after seeing the invaluable opportunities it gave for academic and personal development. Her story illustrates the transformative power of inspiration, positivity, and perseverance.

To be or Not to be?

“It’s a responsibility, yes, but it will never be an obligation for me”. Said by Petrona Bea Sevilla 2024

Obligation can be understood as a binding duty or commitment that one is morally or legally bound to fulfill. It implies a sense of compulsion or necessity, often stemming from external sources such as laws, contracts, or social norms. On the other hand, responsibility entails moral accountability for one’s actions, decisions, and their consequences.

Bea emphasizes the importance of not seeing your responsibilities and tasks as burdensome duties, as this mindset can result in physical and spiritual fatigue. Instead, it is recommended to view them as essential tasks that can be handled one by one. It is important to acknowledge that everyone is replaceable, including yourself, and therefore, there is no need to constantly place excessive pressure on yourself. It is vital to take into account your own situation and prioritize your physical and mental health while fulfilling your obligations.

A Legacy of Excellence

Bea exemplifies a perfect blend of academic prowess and leadership skills among students, that will create a significant impact on society and her fellow students. She excels in her academic pursuits, exceeding in various leadership roles and taking on organizational responsibilities, all of which contribute to the progress of knowledge, the development of future leaders, and the tackling of societal issues. Her dedication and commitment to academic balance and organizational duties make her a valuable asset to the community and a role model for her peers.

Furthermore, she embodies the qualities of a soaring bird, fearlessly tackling challenges and accepting responsibilities. She firmly believes that even in the face of adversity, she can find happiness and fulfillment. With grace and determination.

Her commitment, perseverance, and influence are a shining example of the power of students in shaping academia and society. By acknowledging and nurturing these qualities, we are laying the foundation for a brighter, more diverse, and successful future for everyone. Bea’s journey in CommRes department serves as proof of her resilience and positivity, motivating others to confront their own obstacles with optimism and bravery.

In the realm of unwavering dedication and leadership, there’s a name to be reckoned with — Petrona Bea Sevilla.

