Go to Underworlds
We imagine a future in which sewage is mined for real-time information.
Note from the editor

We imagine a future in which sewage is mined for real-time information | underworlds.mit.edu | an MIT collaboration.

Go to the profile of Underworlds
Go to the profile of Wonyoung So
Wonyoung So
Data Visualization Designer / Passionate Road Cyclist.
Go to the profile of Mariana Matus
Mariana Matus
Computational biologist passionate about sewage + big data + public health. Co-founder @BiobotAnalytics | @ycombinator | @MIT PhD
Go to the profile of Wonyoung So
Wonyoung So
Data Visualization Designer / Passionate Road Cyclist.
Go to the profile of Mariana Matus
Mariana Matus
Computational biologist passionate about sewage + big data + public health. Co-founder @BiobotAnalytics | @ycombinator | @MIT PhD
Go to the profile of Claire Duvallet
Claire Duvallet
PhD student @MITdeptofBE @ejalm lab. | Underworlds Smart Sewers Team | Intersection of data, (global) health, under-served and under-represented communities.
Go to the profile of Isabel Quispe