“Anti-Racists” Are Enabling Putin’s Invasion of Ukraine

Balancing Act
Unfiltered Vision


Sergiy Sternenko and company fighting to save Ukraine

Now may be a good time for all of those incensed by Whoopi Goldberg’s suspension from “The View” a few weeks ago to start coming up with a new set of illogical excuses. There is a fresh genocide in progress, and those part of the mainstream toxic brand of “anti-racism” could not be more thrilled at the opportunity to direct their hate at the victims of this atrocity.

I’m talking about Putin’s wholesale massacre of the Ukrainian people, and the unhinged reactions to that coming from all of the people who are always the first to start throwing rocks at any hints of perceived injustice. There are eerie parallels between Whoopi’s stance on the Holocaust, the similarity of the ethnic Ukrainian genocide to what occurred during World War II, and the appalling perspectives expressed by the nominal “anti-racists”.

Race is a rather niche subject here on Medium, and that usually compels race writers to interpret all past and current world events through the prism of real or imagined racism. That, in turn, elicits clicks and claps from the brainwashed echo chamber of their poorly informed followers. Race-haters earn a good living, the sheep are supplied with a fresh dose of confirmation bias, and the social fabric of our free democratic society becomes ever more frail.



Balancing Act
Unfiltered Vision

Ukrainian-American, aspiring optimist and satirist, self-proclaimed amateur philosopher, anti anti-everything, arts and sciences enthusiast.