Unibright Roadmap Update

Published in
3 min readApr 15, 2019

After our successful token launch, we followed a detailed roadmap on our way to developing a product ready version of our Unibright Framework. Now, that we reached product readiness in March 2019 (earlier than announced), it is time to present an updated roadmap, outlining our future goals.

What we are doing right now

To understand our future goals, let’s have a look at what Unibright is currently doing on a “usual” day in this thrilling space.

1 Working on clients

Our main focus right now is bringing new clients to the Unibright Platform. Connected to that is locking more Unibright Tokens (the “vouchers” to use our framework) inside the platform — see our token explanation for details.

At present, most of the future clients still need help with building their cases and understanding the potential of blockchain for their business. That’s why we established our consulting branch unibright.solutions.

We are currently working on use cases with/for:

  • A US-based real estate client (tokenization and cross-chain integration)
  • A German based food company, working on a complete transparent supply chain on the blockchain
  • A German based consulting company working on blockchain use cases for different ministries
  • A European Association kickstarting cross-industry blockchain use cases
  • …and many more leads we are providing initial workshops for

Our goal is to build future clients out of these projects within the next months and years.

2 Development within the Unibright Framework

Besides the client related individual programming, we are of course working on the Unibright Framework itself. Current tasks are:

  • Enabling the Milestone Payment Template for usage in the public demo
  • Enabling cross-instance (connecting different templates) and cross-chain (integrating multiple protocols within one process) integration
  • Enhancing the Batch Tracing Template
  • Providing a graphical interface for the Mapping Engine within the Unibright Connector
  • Integrating a Blockchain Query Language as a new layer on top of our Unibright Explorer

3 Networking, Marketing and Education

To build the ecosystem around blockchain, we are active on different levels:

  • Participating and working in associations like INATBA, EBF and Bundesblock
  • Kicking-off our CO2-compensation related side-project “Carbonara” together with our partner Zühlke (more info soon)
  • Providing speeches, workshops, meetups and webinars
  • Preparing lectures for universities, to build future blockchain consultants and clients

Our Future Roadmap

Clients will be our first priority. If we see a big potential in onboarding a new client, we will shift development resources towards that client. So we decided to apply larger scales on our roadmap. To not end up being generic, we decided to use the locked amount of UBT inside the platform as our key metric.

Side-comment about exchanges: the establishing of new exchanges for UBT will go alongside with the request from clients. New exchanges are not our top priority at the moment, as our current setup does not hold back one single client!

Roadmap for milestones to be reached until the End of 2019

  • Onboarding clients, targeting to lock 5–10% of UBT inside the platform
  • Adding Milestone Payment Template and a simplified connector view (incl. Mapping Engine) to the public demo
  • Presenting external auditing results for our templates
  • Showcasing Batch Tracing Template and Request for Quotation Template with ERP Integration with real life examples (videos)
  • Offering blockchain education at different Universities
  • Launching our “Carbonara”-Sideproject

Roadmap for milestones to be reached until the End of 2020

  • Onboarding more clients, targeting to lock 15–25% of UBT inside the platform
  • Complete automatic setup for clients to set up a Unibright Framework SaaS environment, for locking in tokens and enabling token renewal by smart contract

Roadmap for milestones to be reached until the End of 2024

  • Enabling mass adoption, targeting to lock 80% of UBT inside the platform

(The roadmap will be updated with any new development at Unibright or in the overall blockchain space).

Unibright offers a unified framework, bringing blockchain technology and smart contracts to mainstream usage. With its “no-coding-needed” approach, smart contracts get generated, deployed and updated automatically into different blockchains. Unibright works with visual, usecase-related templates and also automatically integrates existing IT systems into the blockchain.

Unibright Solutions, a dedicated consulting branch to support blockchain use in business processes, was additionally launched in December 2018.

More information on Unibright: https://unibright.io
Unibright Blockchain Consulting Services:

