The Unibright Framework is product ready — we are leaving beta status!
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3 min readMar 18, 2019

We are happy to tell that our Unibright Framework is now product ready! Once again we have been faster than our initial roadmap proposed, and explain what great perspectives will arise from that.

Last April, after reaching our soft-cap, we immediately started developing the Unibright Framework. Our goal was to bring our initial prototypes to a public beta version until the end of the year — and we succeeded. The beta version was presented publicly in October and opened to public use (our “demo”) in December. Until then, our development roadmap was divided into quite small sections, but for 2019 it just states “product readiness”.

After 3 months of having our public demo out, we can proudly say that we had not a single minute of downtime and no major bugs. Most reported errors related to some minor glitches in the frontend when using unknown or outdated browsers. Other errors were related to some unavailability of the Ethereum testnets, which were out of our hands, but verified our approach to go for a blockchain agnostic solution, supporting alternative blockchain protocols!

Our software is now ready to be used in enterprise surroundings! The core framework is “product ready” and can now be used by enterprise clients to bring their existing systems and processes into the blockchain — without writing a single line of code!

The Unibright Framework can be hosted in an Azure Cloud Environment by us (this would be “Software as a service”, SaaS) or in a compatible environment of the client itself (“Plattform as a service”, PaaS”). In these early days of blockchain adoption, we still will know all our first clients personally. Together with every interested client, we will work out the perfect setup, both technically and regarding an existing (or yet to be developed) template. If a potential client is not yet ready to decide on the use of blockchain technology itself, we are happy to host a client and use-case dedicated workshop through

Of course, the current state of our software is not the final product! A framework like the one we provide is NEVER finished. It is a perfect surrounding to implement new features, target systems and blockchains.

We will be constantly adding new templates, blockchain targets and smart adapters to the framework and have the same test cycles on all new features to ensure the highest software quality!

Some words on the public demo

Our Multi-Party-Approval template handles a use case that can be easily understood, also by non-business and non-ERP people as well. That’s why we selected it to be present in the demo, as it shows ALL features of the Unibright Framework: Visually designing your template based process, generating code, publishing to a blockchain, connecting to the outside world and monitoring the ongoing business process.

Take a look at this great video, Iounut, one of our Ambassadors put together to give you an idea how to use the demo.

Additional features will of course be presented to the public, and — if easy to explain, also integrated in the next versions of the public demo. Features that need some knowledge of other technical domains (like connecting to an SAP) will be presented through commented walkthroughs, like this one:

We will keep you updated on the overall progress of Unibright, our framework, our community, partnerships and clients.

Thank you for your steady interest in Unibright!

Unibright offers a unified framework, bringing blockchain technology and smart contracts to mainstream usage. With its “no-coding-needed” approach, smart contracts get generated, deployed and updated automatically into different blockchains. Unibright works with visual, usecase-related templates and also automatically integrates existing IT systems into the blockchain.

Unibright Solutions, a dedicated consulting branch to support blockchain use in business processes, was additionally launched in December 2018.

More information on Unibright:
Unibright Blockchain Consulting Services:

