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Writings and musings about Australia's premier student hackathon.
Note from the editor

The Imagination Hackathon

Go to the profile of Terence Huynh
Terence Huynh
Software Engineer at Atlassian. Founder/Organiser at UNIHACK (@UNIHACKHQ). Tech Blogger and Writer.
Go to the profile of UNIHACK
The Imagination Hackathon.
Go to the profile of Joey Yuen
Joey Yuen
An I.T and Languages student at Australian National University. Currently interning at Mojexa and working at the marketing team at UNIHACK Australia
Go to the profile of Terence Huynh
Terence Huynh
Software Engineer at Atlassian. Founder/Organiser at UNIHACK (@UNIHACKHQ). Tech Blogger and Writer.
Go to the profile of UNIHACK
The Imagination Hackathon.
Go to the profile of Joey Yuen
Joey Yuen
An I.T and Languages student at Australian National University. Currently interning at Mojexa and working at the marketing team at UNIHACK Australia