Unity Shader Graph: How to Create a PBR Shader

Physically Based Rendering, or PBR, is a rendering method that allows us to produce very realistically lit shaders. This article shows you exactly how to make a PBR shader using the Unity Shader Graph in Unity 6.

Michael Quinn
Unity Coder Corner
6 min readAug 13, 2024


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In previous articles I’ve described the Lambert, Phong, and Blinn-Phong lighting models but they are all considered the very old way of doing light rendering. The current way is to use a method called Physically Based Rendering, or PBR for short. This method of lighting takes in far more variables then the previous methods to produce much more realistic result.

Why is it Important?

When displaying any graphics on a screen, light plays an important role. A lack of light rendering can give a flat or cartoon feel where as more realistic light rendering can greatly enhance the viewing experience and realism.

A show of how PBR reacts to lit to add realism

On the left side of the above image we can see the results of a cube that isn’t rendering any lighting compared to the right side showing a cube using a PBR shader.

In this article we are going to do the following:

  • Create a custom PBR shader using the shader graph

What you will need for this project:

  • Textures for your shader(can be found for free online):
    - Albedo
    - Normal
    - Roughness
    - Ambient Occlusion

Want to skip the reading and avoid any mistakes? Get the entire solution now as either a Unity Package or a zip file of the entire project.

The Steps

Step 1: Create a new Unity URP project

Open up Unity Hub and create a new Unity URP project using Unity 6. Feel free to name it whatever you want. I will name mine “PBR Shader Graph.”

A screenshot of the Create new project window in the Unity Hub application

Step 2: Create a New Shader

Right-click the project hierarchy and select Create->Shader Graph->URP->Lit Shader Graph to create a new shader graph file.

A gif of creating a new shader graph in Unity

Step 3: Creating Our Variables

A PBR shader is going to require quite a few variables to get the base results. It’s going to require four different textures and three float variables to adjust from within the Material. The variables we need are:

  • Texture2D: “Albedo”
  • Texture2D: “Roughness”
  • Texture2D: “Ambient Occlusion”
  • Texture2D: “Normal”
  • Float: “Metalic”
  • Float: “Smoothness”
  • Float: “AO Slider”

To create new variables we need to open our new shader, make sure the Blackboard is open and then click the plus icon to create each new variable in the shader.

Creating variables in a shader graph

Once you add all of them, your black board should look like the following image.

The final version of all the variables created

Step 4: Creating Texture Samplers

Now we need to start creating nodes. The first nodes we are going to need will be nodes to sample the Texture2D variables we just made.

The easiest way to do this is to drag the variable out of the Blackboard and onto the graph. That will create a new variable node. Then we can drag the outgoing connector pin out and create a new node of type Sample Texture 2D. This node will allow us to sample the Texture2D variable and now work with that texture in our shader.

Creating a Sample Texture 2D node in the shader graph

Now do that for the other three textures. Once you are done, you should have four texture variable nodes connected to four Sample Texture 2D nodes.

The final version of all the texture vairbales connected to Sample Texture 2D nodes

Step 5: Multiplying

Before we start connecting anything to the Master Stack, we are going to start creating our multipliers. The multipliers being the three floats we created. So similar to how we created the Sample Texture 2D nodes, we are going to bring in our Float variables and connect them to multiply nodes.

Add the rest of the variables an connect to the Multiply node. Your final result should look similar to the next image.

All the float variable nodes connected to Multiply nodes

Step 6: Connecting to the Master Stack

The Master Stack has five nodes we need to connect to so that we can get a base PBR shader. Those nodes are the Base Color, Normal, Metallic, Smoothness, and Ambient Occlusion. Since the Metallic and Smoothness actually only take one channel, we are going to split the Roughness texture and send just a single channel of the texture out.

The Albedo and Normal textures will be the easiest to connect. We can just connect directly from the Sample Texture 2D nodes for both of them.

Connecting the Albedo and Normal nodes to the Base Color and Normal Master Stack nodes respectively

The next step is going to connect the Metallic and Smoothness nodes in the Master Stack to the outputs of the Multiply nodes. The input of those multiply nodes will be the Red and Green channels of the Roughness texture’s Sample Texture 2D nodes.

Because the Roughness texture is black and white, the Red, Green and Blue channels will all be the same value.

For the last node in the Master Stack that we are going to fill, Ambient Occlusion, we are going to do the same as the Metallic and Smoothness but instead of just the single channel, we are going to send all the channels to the Multiply node. Then we can finish up by connecting the output of that Multiply node to the Master Stack’s Ambient Occlusion node.

Connecting the Ambient Occlusion node

The final shader for a basic PBR shader should look like the following image.

A basic PBR shader in URP Shader Graph for Unity 6

Wrap up

That’s all the steps you need to create a basic PBR shader. With the right textures, this basic shader can make 2d surfaces look incredibly realistic.

For this and more Shader Graph tutorials check out my whole Unity Shader Graph series.

The Author

I’m a self taught Software Engineer specializing in Unity development. I’m also the lead engineer on SeeSignal, the world’s first XR application that allows users to see radio frequencies around them in real-time. SeeSignal is currently used by Telia, a telecom company owned by the Swedish government, to help their field technicians diagnose wireless connectivity issues for their residential and commercial clients.

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Michael Quinn
Unity Coder Corner

I’m a foodie and a software engineer. Unity and Unreal developer. See more at MikeQ.dev