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Universitas Komputer Indonesia
Blog Universitas Komputer Indonesia
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Blog Universitas Komputer Indonesia

Go to the profile of Universitas Komputer Indonesia
Universitas Komputer Indonesia
UNIKOM secara resmi berdiri pada hari Selasa, tanggal 8 Agustus 2000 berdasarkan Surat Keputusan Menteri Pendidikan Nasional nomor 126/D/0/2000
Go to the profile of Adam Mukharil Bachtiar
Adam Mukharil Bachtiar
Director of Technology and Information System, CEO of CodeLabs and Lecturer at Informatics Engineering UNIKOM
Go to the profile of Ferry Stephanus Suwita
Go to the profile of Tatan Tawami
Tatan Tawami
Dosen Program Studi Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Komputer Indonesia (https://unikom.ac.id).
Go to the profile of Retno Purwani Sari
Go to the profile of Adam Mukharil Bachtiar
Adam Mukharil Bachtiar
Director of Technology and Information System, CEO of CodeLabs and Lecturer at Informatics Engineering UNIKOM
Go to the profile of Ferry Stephanus Suwita
Go to the profile of Andri Heryandi
Go to the profile of Ridwan
Go to the profile of dede
Go to the profile of Donny Reza
Donny Reza
Divisi Academic Resource & Data Center, Direktorat Pengembangan Teknologi dan Sistem Informasi
Go to the profile of Alexzander Purwoko
Go to the profile of Juanda
Go to the profile of Asih Prihandini
Go to the profile of Retno Purwani Sari
Go to the profile of Tatan Tawami
Tatan Tawami
Dosen Program Studi Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Komputer Indonesia (https://unikom.ac.id).
Go to the profile of Muhammad Rayhan Bustam
Go to the profile of Nungki Heriyati