The Arbitrum Odyssey 2.0

Reimagining an Epic Journey Through the Arbitrum Ecosystem

Alistor Zimon
4 min readJul 25, 2023


Prepare yourself for a compelling adventure through the Arbitrum ecosystem. This journey is your chance to engage with innovative DeFi protocols and earn exclusive rewards as you delve deeper into one of the most vibrant DeFi ecosystems in existence. As a community, we’ve reignited the Arbitrum Odyssey, a legendary initiative which found an unfortunate end over a year ago.

The Tale of Two Odysseys

The original Arbitrum Odyssey was launched in 2022 by Offchain Labs in collaboration with Ratwell and Project Galaxy. This 8-week expedition provided a unique opportunity to explore the newly-emerging Arbitrum ecosystem of that time.

Participants navigated through various DeFi protocols and were awarded unique NFT badges as milestones on their journey. Although the original Odyssey had to be paused indefinitely shortly after its successful launch, it left behind a powerful legacy that we, the community, are now eager to build upon.

Our mission is unmistakably clear: we want to boost user engagement, strengthen the Arbitrum ecosystem, and celebrate the ground-breaking protocols emerging on Arbitrum One. We’re prepared to continue in the original spirit of the Odyssey, and we’re excited to invite you to join us on this exciting expedition.

On your Odyssey, you’ll engage with a variety of unique protocols. You’ll begin your journey with SpartaDEX‘s novel gamified DEX. From there, your path will lead you to the Arbitrum powerhouse GMX’s perpetual trading exchange, followed by Swell’s liquid staking platform and Pendle’s solution to yield optimization.

As the journey progresses into September, you’ll discover DOPEX’s approach to decentralized options trading, and Alchemix’s unique self-paying loans. Get to know Factor DAO and its unique infrastructure, PlutusDAO’s governance hub, as well as Vesta Finance and its approach to algorithmic stablecoins.

Your Odyssey will conclude in October, leading you to JonesDAO’s advanced yield strategies, and Unstoppable’s reimagining of decentralized trading. Each week a new exciting destination awaits with a lot of potential to learn and benefit from unique and powerful features.

The Rewards of Engagement

The Odyssey 2.0 isn’t just about exploration; it’s about acknowledging and rewarding active participation. You’ll earn unique rewards that symbolize your progress as you complete each questline. These rewards, however, are not just ordinary tokens. They serve as your badges of honour, embodying your journey across the Arbitrum ecosystem.

These offer opportunities to deepen your connection with the participating protocols, enrich your understanding about them, leverage their unique features, and build a network within their communities. Active Odyssey explorers can claim native protocol tokens and other bonus assets as they progress through the Odyssey to its conclusion.

But our aim goes beyond just stimulating engagement for the participating protocols. We wanted to establish a vibrant exploration program, cultivating an environment where various communities could connect, learn, grow, and collectively push DeFi forward to new frontiers.

Stay Informed

To keep track of ongoing and upcoming quests, we recommend joining the Arbitrum Odyssey 2.0 Discord, following our social media accounts, or signing up for the email newsletter available on the Odyssey 2.0 website. By staying connected, you can maximize your involvement in the Odyssey and ensure you take advantage of all opportunities to earn rewards.

The Architects of the Odyssey 2.0

As we embark on this journey, it’s fitting to acknowledge that the Odyssey 2.0 is a collective effort, involving numerous protocols, each contributing their unique strengths and capabilities.

Spearheading the organization of this journey is Unstoppable DeFi, whose organizational efforts ensure a smooth experience for all participants. Providing the robust technical infrastructure, which is integral to the successful operation of this initiative, is Tide Protocol. Their reliable quest infrastructure and anti-bot measures make the journey fair, efficient, and accessible for all explorers.

However, every participating protocol forms an integral part of this adventure, contributing to the vibrancy and diversity of the Odyssey 2.0. Each brings unique opportunities, experiences, and rewards to the explorers, enriching the journey overall.

Together, Unstoppable DeFi, Tide Protocol, and all the participating protocols breathe life into the Arbitrum Odyssey, upholding its spirit while steering it towards new horizons.

Embark on the Odyssey

The Odyssey 2.0 is more than just a journey; it’s a community experience. It’s an initiative built by the community for the community. Whether you’re a seasoned DeFi expert or a beginner just starting to dip your toes in, there’s a place for you in this mission.

So, ignite your curiosity, embrace the spirit of exploration, and venture on the Odyssey 2.0. Become part of a collective adventure charting new frontiers in the Arbitrum ecosystem. Your Odyssey is calling. Are you ready to answer and embark on this exciting and rewarding quest?

