sarala cintana — simple, straightforward thinking

simple continuous meditation is better than complex sparse spells of meditation

Prasad Chitta
UpadESa sAram
2 min readDec 6, 2013


On the practical side of philosophy, we started with desire-less action, followed by worship, then ‘japa’ leading to pure mental concentration called cintana i.e., meditation.

In the sequence of best actions we can perform with the instruments of body, speech and mind, the best is cintana with the mind. While carrying out deep introspection using the mind there are two types of ‘thought stream’ flows could be observed.

  1. virala cintana — a flow with disturbance, with gaps, non homogeneous similar to pouring of water. Just like the flow in the picture below:
Pouring of water. Image credit “Google Images” found via a search…

2. sarala cintana — a flow which is straight, without gaps, honest and simple similar to pouring of ghee. Just like the flow in the picture below:

Ajya dhAra — Picture credits “datta peetham” —

upadesa saram verse 7 states:

saridAjya dhAra pOl saraLa cintanamu, viraLa cintana kanna vIryavattaunu.

Same in Sanskrit:

Ajya dhArayA srOtasA samam, sarala cintanam viralataH param

The straight, simple meditation like flowing ghee is powerful when compared to a meditation with breaks, gaps and disturbances.

When the meditation is simple and straightforward like a continuous stream of Ajya that is being poured into sacrifice, it results in the highest good!

With this post, all the three spheres of action (of the body — pUja, of speech — japa and of mind — cintana) have been discussed.

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