nishkAma karma — remedy for “karma — phala” cycle

The first step for purification of memory (chitta-Suddhi)

Prasad Chitta
UpadESa sAram
2 min readNov 30, 2013


Action (karma) is inevitable. Results (phala) are inevitable. Further actions are inevitable. Is this not a vicious cycle?

In philosophy this is called “causality dilemma” and most commonly known as “the chicken-and-egg problem” which tries to identify what came first. But, the ancient Indian philosophers said, It is more important to come out of such cycle rather than establishing which came first in the cycle, still being in the cycle! As the mind (chitta i.e., memory ) still entangled in the dilemma, it is impossible to resolve the problem.

So, the first step is to bring the purity into the chitta. This is where the practical aspect of philosophy comes in. Philosophy is just not about dry discussions about the truth. It is “real love” towards knowing the truth for one’s own self.

kartrarpita phala nishkAmya karmambu, citta Suddhi nosagi cErcunu dAri

in Sanskrit

IswarArpitam nEcchayA kRtam, citta SOdhakam mukti sAdhakam

This is essentially the first and most useful advice, known as karma yoga.

Having transferred the fruits of actions back to the Iswara (the underlying consciousness making every action possible) performing the actions as duties without desire will lead to purification of the internal instrument called mind and shows the path to final liberation.

This mode of performing action without desire for fruits will stop accruing future seeds of actions as well as cleanses the impressions from the past actions that are strongly recorded in the memory.

Hence, the first step on to becoming a “practical Indian philosopher” is explained.

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