The prosperous succession of kAryA

of three instruments called body, speech and mind

Prasad Chitta
UpadESa sAram
2 min readDec 2, 2013


Right knowledge leads to prosperity. Having seen remedy for dealing with fruits of action by “desire-less action” in the last post, moving on to the next step of dealing with the betterment of actions accelerating towards the goal.

Performing one’s own duties are the kAryAs. All the living being are involved in some or the other kArya (work, action) all the time. We “act” using the instruments we have within their own capability.

We have a body with five action organs and five perception organs. There are physical limitations for each of these organs. Each of those organs have their sphere of action / perception. For example, with eyes we can see a specific range of light spectrum which is called as visible spectrum consisting of violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange and red. Anything going below red is infra-red and above violet is ultra-violet. (all the rest of the organs to be understood in the same way!)

We also have a capability of speech which can be used to express our experiences. It has a lot of power on influencing others. (and being influenced by other as well!) The power of speech is subtler than the physical organs by more powerful than them. It can record and deliver long lasting impressions.

Going more subtler, we have mind. Indeed this is the most powerful instrument that can create absolute clarity or unending confusion.

kAya-vAk-mAnasa karaNa kramamuna, cEyu pUja-japa-cintalu mElu

The same verse 4 from upadesa saram in Sanskrit reads:

kAya-vAk-manaH kAryam uttamam, pUjanam-japaH-cintanm kramAt

In the ascending order, the worship(pUjanam) done using the body, repeated chanting(japa) done using the power of speech, one pointed thinking(cintanam) using the mind are best activities leading to progress on the path.

Engaging the three instruments (karaNas) respectively in the three actions and moving more subtler layers progressively leads to ever lasting prosperity.

pUjanam, japa and cintanam will be explained in the verses following….

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