Update: NYC Landmark Design Contest

Published in
2 min readSep 17, 2020

Last week we introduced the concept of Landmarks in Upland and announced a new design contest!
We’ve had some awesome entries so far and we wanted to share them with you to get the community inspired.

There are still 5 days left to submit your entry to win the grand prize! The best design (as determined by our team) gets 85,000 UPX and the new Architect Badge. Details below.

Refresher on the Rules

The criteria:
How should these Landmarks look in Upland?

  • Pick 1 of 3 NYC Landmarks to design:
    1. Chrysler Building
    2. Guggenheim Museum
    3. UN Building
  • The best design (as determined by our team) gets 85,000 UPX and the new Architect Badge.
    2nd place gets 55,000 UPX and the new Architect Badge
    3rd place gets 35,000 UPX and the new Architect Badge
  • Your design must be original, using pre existing building assets will disqualify your entry.
  • Can be 3D or 2D, but bonus points for 3D.
  • Upland branding style is encouraged (the design should look good if it were in Upland), but feel free to get creative.
  • The deadline is September 21st at 3pm PT.
  • In order to submit your entry, tweet an image of your Landmark design @UplandMe with the hashtags #RebuildTheWorld #Upland #Metaverse




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