The Invisible Presence

Faith in God

Qaiser Khan
Upside Down


Faith in God
Photo by Rachid Oucharia on Unsplash

Invisible, yet profoundly felt,
God’s presence weaves, in mysteries dwelt.
Like air that caresses, yet remains unseen,
His touch is subtle, in the realms between.

Through creations vast, His essence is revealed,
In nature’s wonders, His power concealed.
We feel His love, His mercy and grace,
In every sunrise, in every embrace.

In every prayer whispered, He hears our plea,
A compassionate listener, from eternity to be.
His love surrounds us, like a gentle embrace,
Offering solace, as we navigate life’s maze.

Though our eyes may not perceive His form,
Our hearts sense His presence, calm and warm.
In the symphony of life, His whispers reside,
Guiding us gently, as we journey side by side.

For faith is a beacon, a light in the night,
A belief in the divine, shining ever bright.
In the unseen threads that connect us all,
God’s existence, a sacred call.

So whether through feelings or through signs,
In the intricacies of life, His glory shines.
Though we may not see, His presence is near,
In the wonders of creation, in moments sincere.



Qaiser Khan
Upside Down

Devoted cooking enthusiast, poet, blogger, and content writer