
Wish I Could Turn Back Time

A Silent wish to reverse the pendulum’s swing

Qaiser Khan
Upside Down
Published in
2 min readNov 26, 2023


Wish I Could Turn Back Time
Photo by Kenny Eliason on Unsplash

Oh, how I wish I could turn back time,
To rewrite the chapters of this life of mine.
To undo mistakes and regrets I’ve known,
And carve a different path, a new story to be shown.

If I could rewind the hands of the clock,
I’d mend broken hearts and heal the wounds that mock.
I’d mend the bridges that I let burn,
And sow seeds of kindness at every twist and turn.

To cherish moments I took for granted,
To mend the relationships that became slanted.
To hold onto love that slipped away,
And make amends for words I didn’t say.

But alas, time marches forward, never still,
Leaving behind memories, both bitter and sweet, at will.
Though I cannot change what has come to pass,
I can learn and grow, ensuring wisdom will amass.

For in the lessons learned from mistakes and strife,
Lies the opportunity to shape a better life.
To embrace the present with gratitude and grace,
And make every moment, a cherished embrace.

So, while I yearn to turn back the hands of time,
I’ll embrace the journey, both sublime and prime.
For in this moment, I have the power to choose,
To create a future where regrets are diffuse.

And though I cannot rewrite what has been done,
I’ll treasure the lessons and let my soul run.
With newfound wisdom and a heart set free,
I’ll embrace the present and the person I can be.

Qaiser Khan

A desire to rewind the melody of days gone by.

Old Diaries

(Written on Dec 22, 2022)


Can You Believe It’s December Already?

by Bayzid Islam Bony,

Published in Upside Down.



Qaiser Khan
Upside Down

Devoted cooking enthusiast, poet, blogger, and content writer