The New Tool for a Better Candidate Experience

Jailany Thiaw
upskill blog
Published in
3 min readApr 17, 2024

At upskill, we’re revolutionizing the way job seekers interact with potential employers. Unlike other tools, this new platform isn’t just about blasting out job applications and asking all your candidates to “apply now before it’s too late.”

Instead, upskill is about crafting a diverse and qualified talent pipeline that businesses can build authentic relationships with and convert naturally over time. We help business create a more efficient process for their talent teams and build a richer experience for prospective future hires.

What the Candidate Journey Looks Like on upskill

Explore and Inspire: On upskill, you can explore a variety of roles that not only match your current skill set but also inspire your career aspirations.

These opportunities consist of immediate openings but also many roles that have been offered in the past, and that will be offered in the future. You can easily find roles on upskill that are personalized to you and use that interest as a starting point to uncover exciting career paths you’d like to pursue.

Express Interest with a Simple Click: Instead of spending all weekend filling out applications you may never hear back from, when a role captures your interest on upskill, just click “I’m Interested.”

This simple action sends a clear signal to the company’s talent teams that you want to learn more. As job seekers express interest, talent teams can connect with those candidates to share more about the company work-style, discuss upcoming job opportunities, and help you develop the skills to shine on the job — all this before applications even open.

By the time the company does open applications, you are already apart of a shortlist of candidates they have a warm relationship with.

Read more about upskill’s unique approach in an older blog post I wrote: Why You Don’t Apply to Jobs on This Job Platform.

Receive Immediate Feedback: After expressing interest, you’ll receive feedback detailing how your skills and experiences align with the role’s requirements. This includes identifying your strengths and pinpointing specific skill gaps you might want to address to enhance your candidacy.

This feedback can look like: Identifying how often you profile is being seen, pinpointing the skillsets you possess, finding resources in your community that you can take advantage of to better position yourself for success, etc.

Transparent, Constructive Insights: Think about all those job applications you’ve spent time and effort on that ended up in a void, never to be heard of again.

upskill offers a different approach where you’re never ghosted.

On upskill, receive feedback on 100% of the jobs you find and take advantage of personalized insights which remind you that you’re capable of amazing things and shows you exactly how to achieve them.

Our Commitment to Transparency and Inclusion

At upskill, we believe in transparency and actively support those who have been overlooked in the workforce. We are committed to helping every candidate, regardless of background, to break through barriers and advance their careers.

By transforming the traditional application process into an interactive and developmental journey, upskill

not only prepares candidates for the roles of today but also equips them for the opportunities of tomorrow.

Join us as we redefine what it means to support job seekers and build a workforce capable of meeting the future head-on.

