Here are the best articles we wrote in 2017

Doug Crescenzi
Upstate Interactive
5 min readDec 13, 2017
We exist to turn great ideas into software. Click here to learn more.

As we wind down 2017 we thought it’d be fun to review our best performing blog articles from this past year. In total, we published 43 articles to our publication and generated approximately 44,000 views.

Below you’ll find our best performing articles based on the following metrics:

  • Views — The number of visitors who clicked on an article’s page
  • Reads — The number of viewers that read an entire article (an estimate based on Medium’s algorithm)
  • Read Ratios — The difference between Reads and Views
  • Shares — The number of unique individuals that shared the article on Medium

Let’s get to it.

Most Views

  1. Core Concepts for App Development in Angular — “Let’s explore the core functionality of an Angular app, along with some resources you can use to dive in further.”
  2. Lessons learned from building a tech community in Upstate NY — “When I think of Upstate NY, I think of a sleeping STEM giant with tremendous potential that’s yet to be realized. That’s why I decided to start Hack Upstate 4.5 years ago.”
  3. How to send an Email using Angular, Sails.js, and Mailgun3 — “I recently spent quite some time scouring the internet for a tutorial on how to send an email from the Mailgun service using Angular2 as my front-end and Sails.js as the back-end. This article is going to take you through the steps.”
  4. 3 Types of Route Loading in Angular, Explained In 500ish words — “This is an overview, intentionally non-technical because Angular is living and breathing with new commits all the time and new versions every six months…so this post sets out to explain the concepts of each type of loading in simple language.”

Most Individual Reads

  1. 3 Types of Route Loading in Angular, Explained In 500ish words “This is an overview, intentionally non-technical because Angular is living and breathing with new commits all the time and new versions every six months…so this post sets out to explain the concepts of each type of loading in simple language.”
  2. Core Concepts for App Development in Angular — “Let’s explore the core functionality of an Angular app, along with some resources you can use to dive in further.”
  3. Lessons learned from building a tech community in Upstate NY — “When I think of Upstate NY, I think of a sleeping STEM giant with tremendous potential that’s yet to be realized. That’s why I decided to start Hack Upstate 4.5 years ago.”
  4. 10 Tips for Developing Your First Custom Kong Plugin — “I’m glad you agree that Amazon AWS API Gateway is astonishingly disappointing. Since I wrote that letter, at least one of my complaints has been addressed — API Gateway now supports binary data, but my conclusion remains the same. Kong is a superior tool for all of your API management needs.”

Best Read Ratios

  1. 3 Types of Route Loading in Angular, Explained In 500ish words — “This is an overview, intentionally non-technical because Angular is living and breathing with new commits all the time and new versions every six months…so this post sets out to explain the concepts of each type of loading in simple language.”
  2. New to Angular? How to bootstrap your first app in 2 minutes — “In four commands, you have a development environment and starter project. This takes care of manual work like creating the JSON file, installing dependencies, installing a testing system, setting up the main component and module with boilerplate code and setting up a server to run the application.”
  3. 10 Tips for Developing Your First Custom Kong Plugin — “I’m glad you agree that Amazon AWS API Gateway is astonishingly disappointing. Since I wrote that letter, at least one of my complaints has been addressed — API Gateway now supports binary data, but my conclusion remains the same. Kong is a superior tool for all of your API management needs.”
  4. How to Include an asynchronous third party library in Angular2 — “We use Drip for Marketing Automation as a part of our Content Marketing service and we use Angular2 for our Front-Ends as a part of our Development service. The Problem this post offers a solution to is “How do I integrate Drip with an Angular 2 project?”
  5. To CMS or Not to CMS? —” To CMS or Not to CMS? That is the question. The answer: please, dear god, no! Just kidding (of course). As a developer, you hear this question a lot.”

Most Shares

  1. Lessons learned from building a tech community in Upstate NY — “When I think of Upstate NY, I think of a sleeping STEM giant with tremendous potential that’s yet to be realized. That’s why I decided to start Hack Upstate 4.5 years ago.”
  2. 3 Types of Route Loading in Angular, Explained In 500ish words — “This is an overview, intentionally non-technical because Angular is living and breathing with new commits all the time and new versions every six months…so this post sets out to explain the concepts of each type of loading in simple language.”
  3. 10 Tips for Developing Your First Custom Kong Plugin — “I’m glad you agree that Amazon AWS API Gateway is astonishingly disappointing. Since I wrote that letter, at least one of my complaints has been addressed — API Gateway now supports binary data, but my conclusion remains the same. Kong is a superior tool for all of your API management needs.”
  4. What’s an API Anyway? — “I’ve been coding for two years at this point and I will unashamedly admit that it wasn’t until recently that I understood what an API actually was.”

Other Top Performing Articles

Thanks so much for following along this past year! It was awesome having you along for the ride. We hope we’ve been helpful and look forward to an exciting 2018 with you :)

Upstate Interactive exists to turn your great ideas into software. Click here to learn more.



Doug Crescenzi
Upstate Interactive

vp, software engineering @ Foundry, previously founding partner at Upstate Interactive (acq'd by Foundry in '22)