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City Life with Wildlife
Note from the editor

Urban Bestiary is about city life with wildlife. It’s a way to get to know the wild creatures in our neighbourhoods, as well as arts and issues related to urban wildlife in the big city. Why Urban Bestiary? Because our animal neighbours are amazing. And how they live in the city, and how we live with them, is fascinating. Because most urban people are detrimentally disconnected from local wildlife and nature in general. Because it’s easier for people to respect living beings who we know at least a little about. Because it’s meaningful and at the same time also fun and heartwarming. Urban Bestiary invites you to get to know the wild and wonderful animals we rarely notice in the big city.

Go to the profile of Heather L. Kelly
Heather L. Kelly
Heather L. Kelly is a poet, writer, and arts marketing consultant. She is the Founder & CEO of HKC Marketing. She lives in Toronto, Canada.