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Urbanity Magazine
Urbanity Magazine is a media and educational project of Urbanity, LLC, a communications, change and culture consulting firm. Check out our aggregator for curated news, media and content by, for and about Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders at urbanitymag.com.
Note from the editor

Urbanity Magazine is a media and educational project of Urbanity, LLC, a communications, change and culture consulting firm. Check out our aggregator for curated news, media and content by, for and about Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders at urbanitymag.com.

Go to the profile of Alison Roh Park
Go to the profile of JP
Go to the profile of Diana Lu
Diana Lu
Comedian. Plan A Mag editor. Theatre Critic @ WBUR ARTery, New England Theatre Geek. Other words in McSweeneys, Robot Butt, Slackjaw, Hyphen, Fireside Fiction.
Go to the profile of May Takahashi
Go to the profile of Marci Calabretta Cancio-Bello
Marci Calabretta Cancio-Bello
Poet. Essayist. Translator. Author of Hour of the Ox (@UPittPress). Program Coordinator at Miami Book Fair (@miamibookfair). Kundiman fellow (@kundimanforever).
Go to the profile of Jaimee I Rodriguez