Get help from these Professional Designers

Jatin Gupta
Published in
4 min readMay 10, 2020

Designers share learnings from a 2-year long product design career


This article is part of the series (5/5) in which I asked a bunch of designers their learnings from a 2-year long product design career. If you haven’t read the intro article, you can check it out here.

Question: What should people reach out to you for?

Kenji Kaneko: Product Designer at Duo Security

Ask about my work, Collaborate on a side project, Talk about design in general, Guidance on specific issues, Fleshing out their ideas, Portfolio review, Accountability buddy, Interview Prep

Deepak Krishnan: UX Designer at SAP

Ask about my work, Collaborate on a side project, Talk about design in general, Guidance on specific issues, Fleshing out their ideas, Asking to be a mentor, Portfolio review

Nathan Magyar: UX Designer at the University of Michigan Center for Academic Innovation

Ask about my work, Talk about design in general, Guidance on specific issues, Fleshing out their ideas, Asking to be a mentor, Portfolio review

Raymond Su: UX Designer at Telenav

Ask about my work, Collaborate on a side project, Talk about design in general, Fleshing out their ideas, Asking to be a mentor

Raden Tonev: UX Designer at Microsoft

Ask about my work, Talk about design in general, Guidance on specific issues, Portfolio review

Jatin Gupta: Product Designer at Sprint (now T-mobile)

Ask about my work, Collaborate on a side project, Talk about design in general, Guidance on specific issues, Portfolio review.

Ruta Gokhale: UX Designer at Thomson Reuters

Ask about my work, Collaborate on a side project, Talk about design in general, Fleshing out their ideas

Olivia Patercsak: User Experience Architect at Esri

Ask about my work, Collaborate on a side project, Talk about design in general, Guidance on specific issues, Fleshing out their ideas

Question: Where can people reach out to you?

Kenji Kaneko: Product Designer at Duo Security

Send me an email:

Deepak Krishnan: UX Designer at SAP or Linkedin. If you connect on LinkedIn please do introduce yourself.

Nathan Magyar: UX Designer at the University of Michigan Center for Academic Innovation


Raymond Su: UX Designer at Telenav


Raden Tonev: UX Designer at Microsoft


Jatin Gupta: Product Designer at Sprint (now T-mobile)

Send me a dm on Twitter or Linkedin

Ruta Gokhale: UX Designer at Thomson Reuters


Olivia Patercsak: User Experience Architect at Esri


Question: Is there something that you want to promote (personal website, Instagram, dribble)?

Kenji Kaneko: Product designer at Duo Security

Deepak Krishnan: UX designer at SAP San Ramon, Oakland, CA


Nathan Magyar: UX Designer at the University of Michigan Center for Academic Innovation

Not at the moment. Currently redesigning and rebuild my portfolio.

Raymond Su: UX Designer at Telenav

Raden Tonev: UX Designer at Microsoft


Jatin Gupta: Product Designer at Sprint (now T-mobile)

Twitter — @booWendyb00, Dribbble: jatinthedesigner

Ruta Gokhale: UX Designer at Thomson Reuters

Olivia Patercsak: User Experience Architect at Esri


Other articles in this series

Introduction: Meet the designers

Life as a Product Designer

  • What does a typical workday look like for you (pre-quarantine)?
  • What is 1 skill that you think is the most important to be a good product designer?
  • What is the most challenging aspect of being a product designer?

Advice for new product designers

  • What is 1 UX skill/course from the University of Michigan that translates directly into your work?
  • What advice would you give to product designers starting their career?
  • What is 1 thing you look for in a product design portfolio?

Tips to grow as a Product Designer

  • Please share some resources (communities, blogs, or specific designers) that you use to keep yourself updated about product design?
  • Is there something (preferably related to design but anything creative) you are learning nowadays? If yes, what is it?
  • Is there a product you have come across that you thought was designed really well? Why did you think so?

Get help from these Professional Designers (this article)

  • Is there something that you want to promote (personal website, Instagram, dribble)?
  • Where can people reach out to you?
  • What should people reach out to you?

Want to learn more?

Want to get an industry-recognized Course Certificate in UX Design, Design Thinking, UI Design, or another related design topic? Online UX courses from the Interaction Design Foundation can provide you with industry-relevant skills to advance your UX career. For example, Design Thinking, Become a UX Designer from Scratch, Conducting Usability Testing or User Research — Methods and Best Practices are some of the most popular courses. Good luck on your learning journey!

Hi! My name is Jatin Gupta. I am a product designer currently thinking about how to grow as a product designer.

Please comment below as to what you found useful from the article or if you have any suggestions for topics that I should write about.

If you’d like to stay connected, follow me on Twitter, Dribbble, or Linkedin.



Jatin Gupta

Indian living in Virginia. Quote: Anything worth doing is worth overdoing.