Best UGC Campaigns to Get Inspired From

Six Incredible User Generated Campaign Examaples To Get Inspired From !

Carol Sobers
User generated content marketing
5 min readApr 28, 2020


UGC campaigns are all over the marketing hemisphere, every brand which believes in user trust and engagement than balant marketing is using user generated content campaigns to build brand loyalty and engagement on social media and other marketing touchpoints

Nowadays, with the overflowing exposure of information and choice, it became more challenging for marketers to grab the attention of their target audiences.Therefore top brands are increasingly running User generated campaigns to build brand loyalty , generate user engagement and to boost sales and conversion .

User generated content is the content created and posted by the consumers on social media accounts.These content may be in any form of images , videos , testimonials, blog posts etc.In today’s world of social media people don’t rely on brand commercials much .Opinions and experience of the customers who have already used the product or service are more reliable sources of information .

Here are the six best UGC campaign examaples to get inspired from :


In 2012 , COCA COLA the world’s most iconic brand did the unthinkable and took the entire world into surprise. They launched their ambitious UGC campaign named ‘Share a Coke’. The campaign was first started in Australia in 2012 and the later in Britain in 2013.The idea was to print about 150 most common and popular names of the region on its bottles encouraging people to find bottles with names that held personal meaning to them, share them with their loved ones and then post on social media about their experiences, using the hashtag #ShareaCoke.

The purpose of this UGC campaign was to increase sales and to develop personal relationship with the consumers and with this COCA COLA produced some incredible results :

  • Product intake increased by 7%
  • More than 150 million personalised bottles were sold .
  • 998 million impressions on twitter .
  • About 2,35,000 people shared their experience on twitter .

Shot on Iphone

Since after the user dissatisfaction over the average camera capabilities for the pictures shot in low light . IPHONE fulfilled the audience’s needs with the high-quality camera of the iPhone 6 . after that they launched an amazing UGC campaign called “SHOT ON IPHONE ’’through which they asked their users to share their pictures and videos shot in low lights from their iphones on social media as a part of their brand story.The UGC campaign went viral because Apple showed the improved quality of pictures from users for users rather than promoting it themselves .From this innovative campaign, IPHONE regained the customers faith and increased sales .

Starbucks #WhiteCupContest Campaign

In 2014 , starbucks one of the largest coffee chain in the world started a UGC campaign #whitecupcontest wherein they encouraged their customers to doodle away on starbucks cups and post its picture on social media handles with #WhiteCupContest .The contest winning design would be printed on limited edition Starbucks reusable cups.

As a result through the Instagram UGC campaign the brand got around 4,000 submissions just in three weeks . Since all these submissions were posted on Instagram , Twitter and other social media handles, Starbucks generated a significant amount of impressions from it .

Netflix #StrangerThings2 Campaign

The top online streaming platform Netflix came out with an incredible marketing strategy . Netflix always comes out with new ways to grow and outperform its competitors .They always try new things and jump on to new trends. They decided to promote their upcoming premieres through some creative user generated content. Netflix started the UGC campaign with the title “Stranger Things 2” . They used this hashtag to promote their second season of the series . Thousands of people got amused with the idea and started posting stranger things in their daily lives using #StrangerThings2 .As a result using user generated content netflix got 1 million audiences within 2 weeks .

LAYS #DoUsaFlavour Campaign

In order to invent new chips flavour which would appeal to the taste of masses and would increase the company’s sales,the popular potato chips manufacturer company LAYS started an innovative UGC campaign.. Do us a Flavour…This was a cleverly tailored online contest which involved all major social media platforms inviting real customers to submit new flavours and awarding the winner with 1 million dollars.

After it’s success in 2013 the contest made a comeback in 2014 2015 and this time its name was Passport to Olympics I.e the winner would this time get a ticket to 2016 olympics

Thereafter it was made even more challenging and entertaining by inviting tweets on Twitter and the selected most intriguing twitter conversations were responded with humorous and amusing video clips

This campaign became extremely successful; the company received millions of online submissions and the sales of the lays company skyrocketed amazingly.

National Geographic #Wanderlustcontest

It seems National Geographic believes that their customers are the best promoters of their brand as they is well known for its user generated content strategies .National Geographic came up with campaign #WanderlustContest encourages people to share their exciting photos and videos .Anyone with a camera and connection could upload their moment if adventure .The contest winner was offered a chance to win a Yosemite photo expedition with a National Geographic Photographer . With the campaign National Geographic engaged travel lovers and generated a wealth of shareable content


User-generated content (UGC) is one powerful element of marketing strategy that has contributed to brand building , user -engagement and intense brand loyalty . It can be highly influential and valuable for your brand.

Start Leveraging UGC campaigns for your marketing, Try TAGGBOX, the best UGC Platform for omnichannel markting solutions.



Carol Sobers
User generated content marketing

I am an enthusiastic content curator with a zeal to write anything and everything about content marketing and related domains