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The VimL Primer

Benjamin Klein sent me a quick email about the release of The VimL Primer: Edit Like a Pro with Vim Plugins and Scripts. It’s a short book that will be published on The Pragmatic Bookshelf.

It will be around 100 pages, and is meant to be released in January. It sounds ideal…

Painless Vim

Painless Vim

Painless Vim by Nate Dickson is a new book about Vim, with a lighthearted tone yet well-researched content. It’s published on Leanpub…


LearnVim by Barry Arthur is an introduction to Vim, distributed as a help text file.

A suggested path for learning Vim.
This help file introduces fundamental concepts, offers concrete advice for correctly configuring a new Vim instance and outlines a progressive set of topics for the…

Vim: The Basics

Vim: The Basics by Andrew Stanton is an introduction to Vim, costs $8, and is available for Kindle, ePub, etc.

This eBook guides you through the basics of Vim, helping you to become familiar and competent with one of the most popular text editors in the world.

Book Review: Practical Vim

There aren’t a lot of great books about Vim. Learning the vi and Vim Editors published by O’Reilly is the most popular book, and while it’s fairly detailed I’ve always felt it loses focus by including too much coverage of vi clones. The content is dry, feeling more like a standard…

Learn Vimscript the Hard Way

Last week in Introduction to Syntax Highlighting I touched on a little bit of VimL. There’s an excellent freely available resource for learning more about Vim’s scripting language in the form of Learn Vimscript the Hard Way by Steve Losh.