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Converting gVim-only Colour Schemes

On reddit/r/vim there’s a post about adapting dark colour schemes to transparent terminals. One way to solve this, as suggested by gordin, is to use CSApprox.

CSApprox (GitHub: godlygeek/csapprox) by Matt Wozniski can be used to convert gVim…


Colortuner by Zefei Xuan is a colour scheme editor that allows you to alter the scheme with sliders. There’s a slider for brightness…

gVim to xcolors

gvim-to-xcolors (GitHub: 97–109–107/gvim-to-xcolors) is a Python script for extracting colours from Vim themes and outputting colours in the X resources convention.

It does this by parsing highlight groups and their priority. The normal group is processed separately to…

Script Roundup: smartpairs, ftcolor.vim


smartpairs (GitHub: gorkunov / smartpairs.vim, License: wtfpl) by Alexander Gorkunov is a plugin for visually selecting ranges based on brackets or quotes, without needing to type the brackets or quotes. So rather…

Holy Light

Holy Light by Samy Dindane is a plugin for Macs that changes the background variable based on the amount of ambient light recorded by Mac's light sensor.

The sensor is interrogated using a binary program, the source of which can be found here: holylight-checker.mm. The program works…

24-bit Vim

If you’ve been following the recent Vim updates posted to vim_dev, then you may be interested in ZyX’s work on supporting 24-bit colours in Vim:

There is ISO-8613–3 standard for 24-bit color in terminals: \e[38;2;{R};{G};{B}m (foreground, 48 for background) ({R},{G},{B} are decimal…

Villustrator and Vivify

Villustrator screenshot

Villustrator (GitHub: bilalq / villustrator) by Bilal Quadri is a web service for generating Vim colour schemes. It…

Plugin Roundup: EasyColour, TabMan, cd-hook

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EasyColour (GitHub: abudden / EasyColour, vim.org: EasyColour) by Al Budden helps write colour schemes. Rather…