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Share Vimrc Snippets with vimrcfu

vimrc fu

Florian Beer sent in vimrcfu, a site for sharing Vim configuration snippets. You can up and…

Manage Files in Vim with vimdir

vimdir.vim (GitHub: c0r73x / vimdir.vim, License: MIT) by Christian Persson is a plugin that allows you to manage files and directories in Vim. You can list files and folders recursively with :VimdirR, and then edit the buffer to change the layout of the filesystem.

Script Roundup: Vimpanel, Seek

Send in your Vim scripts for review through our contact form.


Vimpanel (GitHub: mihaifm / vimpanel) by “mihaifm” is a new tree explorer, influenced by NERD Tree. Panels can be created based around projects, and…

Script Roundup: vim-nerdtree-tabs, Recover.vim

Send in your Vim scripts for review through our contact form or @vimnews.


Something that I see a lot of people asking about is how to make NERD Tree stay open across…

NERD Tree Guide

The NERD Tree (GitHub: scrooloose / nerdtree) by Martin Grenfell is a popular file system browser. If you’re using it simply to browse and select files like a typical GUI IDE, then it’s worth spending a bit of time going over the documentation, because this plugin does a lot more than displaying a…