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Vim is on GitHub

Google Code is shutting down, so Vim is finally moving to GitHub! You can find it at vim/vim.

I found this through the vim dev group. Given that almost every Vim script that I write about is hosted on GitHub, is seems clear that the community at large prefers GitHub. So…

Script Roundup: limelight.vim, Gist.vim


limelight.vim is a WriteRoom-style plugin that has an additional feature: the active section or paragraph is highlighted. It dims paragraphs using colour calculations, and you can control this using some…

Script Roundup: vim-autoformat, Fist of Vim


A reader sent in vim-autoformat, which uses external programs to format code. The default formatprograms include formatters for C, C#, C++, Java, JavaScript, and Python.

Script Roundup: angular.vim, clone


Angular.vim (GitHub: burnettk / vim-angular, License: Vim) by Kevin Burnett is a set of shortcuts for working with AngularJS projects. Features include switching between test and implementation files (:A), goto file tweaks…

Script Roundup: github-issues.vim

The github-issues.vim (GitHub: jaxbot / github-issues.vim, License: MIT) by Jonathan Warner allows you to look up GitHub issues using Vim. That means the next time you’re writing a commit and want to reference a ticket, you can get completion based on issue numbers.

Vim for GitHub

If you liked the look of Vim.js, then you might be surprised to know that the web-based editor GitHub uses can be coaxed into a Vim mode. I discovered this after reading a post by Lauris Dzilums about the Ace editor that GitHub uses:

You can press CTRL+, or CMD+, (depends on…

Open Line on GitHub

Felix Geisendörfer recently wrote Vim Trick: Open current line on GitHub. The idea is to open a repository with GitHub in a browser for the current file and line number in Vim.

GitHub allows you to link directly to line numbers using fragment identifiers. For example…

Script Roundup: MiniBufExpl, vim-github-comment

MiniBufExpl Updates

Techlive Zheng sent in an update for MiniBufExpl (GitHub: techlivezheng / vim-plugin-minibufexpl. This is an old plugin that has passed between several authors, but continues to be popular…

Plugin Roundup: Clam, Vroom.vim, Gist.vim


Clam (GitHub: sjl / clam.vim, License: MIT/X11) by Steve Losh makes running shell commands on buffers extremely convenient. He’s made a screencast of Clam so you can see how to use it, but basically buffers can be piped…