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Improved Asterisk Motions

vim-asterisk (GitHub: haya14busa/vim-asterisk, License: MIT) by haya14busa aims to improve the * motion. The * motion itself searches forward for the word nearest the cursor, so it's quite useful once you get used to it.

Script Roundup: glowshi-ft.vim, Clighter


glowshi-ft.vim (GitHub: saihoooooooo / glowshi-ft.vim) by Shinya Saiho is a cool visualisation plugin for the f and t motions. When a line has multiple targets, it display highlights and allows you to jump…

Vertical Movement with vim-columnmove

A reader who was also a fan of Patternjump sent in vim-columnmove, which is by the same author. This is a plugin that helps make vertical movement more convenient by providing vertical equivalents of motions like f and t.

Script Roundup: Wipeout, Patternjump


Wipeout by Artem Nezvigin is a small plugin that closes all buffers that are not open in any tabs or windows. It’s adapted from this Stack Overflow question.


Script Roundup: gtfo.vim, vim-sexp


gtfo.vim (License: Vim) by Justin M. Keyes is a plugin for opening a file manager or terminal at the current file’s directory. In Normal mode, you can type gof to open the file manager, or got to open the terminal. The mnemonic…

Script Roundup: vim-vertical-move, npm.vim


vim-vertical-move (GitHub: bruno- / vim-vertical-move, License: MIT) by Bruno Sutic adds vertical movement motions. You can move the cursor to the point where a column change would be required…