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vim-tag-comment (GitHub: mvolkmann/vim-tag-comment, License: MIT) is another small but useful plugin by Mark Volkmann. This one adds/removes XML comments, but instead of adding a comment to each line it’ll use one multi-line comment instead.

Takeover Vundle

I saw this issue in the Vundle (GitHub: gmarik/Vundle.vim) repository: Takeover Vundle #608

Please comment below if you’re interested in taking over Vundle.
I’ve not been involved and it’s hurting the project.
If you’re interested in taking the lead…


Tim Pope has just released a new plugin called Flagship (GitHub: tpope/vim-flagship, License: Vim). It makes customising the status line and tab line much easier, and other plugins can extend it as well. For example, if you’ve got fugitive.vim installed, then you should see the current Git branch in the status…

Better ga and Characterize.vim

betterga (GitHub: manicmaniac/betterga) by Ryosuke Ito is an extended version of the :ascii command. This command is typically invoked with ga, and shows the ASCII value of the character under the cursor in decimal, hexidecimal, and octal.

Vim REST Console

Vim REST Console (GitHub: diepm/vim-rest-console, License: MIT) is a plugin for sending and viewing HTTP requests from RESTful services. It uses cURL, and allows you to type URLs and then get responses back in a separate window.


Yesterday Tim Pope published a new plugin called dotenv.vim (GitHub: tpope/vim-dotenv, License: Vim). It reads variables from a .env or Procfile and sets the corresponding variables in Vim.

This is useful if you have Procfiles for web applications and want to trigger the same…