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Karl Yngve Lervåg sent in vimtex (GitHub: lervag/vimtex), a script with lots of commands and mappings for LaTeX authors. It’s inspired by LaTeX-Box, but is written from scratch with extensibility in mind.

Vimtex includes motions for section navigation and moving between matching…


Ferret (GitHub: wincent/ferret) by Greg Hurrell is a search plugin that offers asynchronous search, multi-file replace, args list/argdo support, and QuickFix listing enhancements.

It supports The Silver Searcher, Ack, and grep. Asynchronous support is done with dispatch.vim — you have to…

Silver Searcher Plugin

Vim Ags

There’s a new Silver Searcher plugin (GitHub: gabesoft/vim-ags) by Gabriel Adomnicai that aims to improve search result…

Script Roundup: RootIgnore, VIntSearch, ReplaceWithSameIndentRegister


RootIgnore (GitHub: octref/RootIgnore) by Pine Wu allows you to set wildignore from a Git repository root. It's designed to work with ctrlp.vim so you can restrict…

Improved Incremental Searching


incsearch.vim (GitHub: haya14busa / incsearch.vim, License: MIT) by haya14busa is an improved incremental…

Beginner’s Guide to Unite

Reader Sri Kadimisetty wrote in to ask for a guide to Unite (GitHub: Shougo / unite.vim, License: MOT) by Matsu Shougo. It has been compared to FuzzyFinder and ctrlp.vim, but it’s actually quite different, which is partly why people seem to find it confusing.