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Text Objects

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Script Roundup: a_pair

a_pair by Colin Cai combines the brackets {}, [], and () into a text object called ap. That means if you've got sets of nested brackets you can operate on multiple levels at once.

I thought this might be useful if you’re working with JSON documents, where you can often find arrays nested inside objects.

Script Roundup: jdaddy.vim, wildfire.vim


jdaddy.vim (GitHub: tpope / vim-jdaddy, License: MIT) by Tim Pope is a set of useful mappings for working with JSON.

Script Roundup: vim-expand-region, Git Support

Send in your Vim scripts for review through our contact form.


vim-expand-region (GitHub: terryma / vim-expand-region, License: MIT) by Terry Ma allows visual selections…

Vim 101: Object Motions

Discovering and retaining good habits for file navigation is one way to vastly improve your productivity when using Vim. Other than jumps and searching, text object motions are also a great way for skipping around a file like a Vim virtuoso.

Script Roundup: textobj-indblock, qfnotes

Send in your Vim scripts for review through our contact form or @vimnews.


textobj-indblock (GitHub: glts / vim-textobj-indblock) is a set of text objects for selecting whitespace…