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Terminus: Improved Terminal Support

Terminus (GitHub: wincent/terminus) by Greg Hurrell is a plugin for improving Vim’s integration with terminals, with features designed for tmux and iTerm. Features include:

  • Cursor shape in Insert mode: thin vertical bar in the console

fzf: Fuzzy Finder for the Shell


fzf by Junegunn Choi is a ctrlp.vim-inspired Ruby script that allows you to find shell commands with a…

Script Roundup: tslime.vim, diffchar.vim


tslime.vim (GitHub: lord-garbage / tslime.vim) by Christian Brauner is a fork of slime.vim that uses tmux instead of screen. It has been refactored to use tmux’s panels.

Script Roundup: Markology, Nomad


Markology (GitHub: jeetsukumaran / vim-markology) by Jeet Sukumaran shows marks for the current line in the sign column. Marks can be added, deleted, and toggled, and you can jump between the marks in the current buffer.

Powerline Alternatives

Although Powerline is extremely popular (and looks undeniably cool), it does take a bit of effort to install. It used to be distributed as a Vim plugin, but was superseded by a Python script that many struggled to install. The advantage of the Python script is it consolidates…

Script Roundup: tbone.vim, Niji

Send in your Vim scripts for review through our contact form.


tbone.vim (GitHub: tpope / vim-tbone, License: Vim) by Tim Pope provides some integration between Vim and tmux. The :Tmux command executes…

Script Roundup: vim-tmuxify, vim-git-log

Send in your Vim scripts for review through our contact form.


vim-tmuxify (GitHub: mhinz / vim-tmuxify, License: BSD) by Marco Hinz allows tmux to be controlled from within Vim.